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CELDT 2014-15.

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What is the CELDT? The CELDT measures how well you.. Speak Listen Read Write

3 What is E.L.D? Do you know your ELD level? Level 5 Level 4 Level 3
ELD= English Language Development It is a program designed to help students who attain proficiency in English. Do you know your ELD level? Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

4 How do I exit the ELD program?
Reclassification Process: The steps completing the ELD program I must score proficient on the CELDT (Score 4 or Higher) I must be reading at grade level in SFA I must score a 3 or higher in ELA I must score Basic or higher on the 4-Sight I must be at ELD level 3 or higher

5 Consequences of not exiting the ELD while at Pacoima Charter
Placed into additional English classes in Middle School Not able to participate in elective or enrichment classes art music chorus

6 What can I do to be successful in ELD and on the CELDT ?
Read EVERY DAY!! Make sure you have a quiet place to study and do homework Make sure you receive a healthy breakfast and get a good night’s rest (minimum of 8 hours) Make sure you use testing strategies while taking the CELDT

7 Test Strategies Read the questions carefully before reading
Make sure you understand what you read by using reading strategies such clarifying , summarizing, questioning, and predicting Read passages twice Under line key words in questions Listen carefully to instructions given by the teacher

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