LOSD Publication Vision and Use-Cases

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1 LOSD Publication Vision and Use-Cases
1st March 2018 Deirdre Lee @deirdrelee @derilinx

2 LOSD General Use Cases Use Case 1: NSO statisticians publishing LOSD
A statistician from one of the NSOs would like to publish raw data (presented in a csv format) in a LOSD format and publish it to into local LOSD platform Use Case 2: General Public Users accessing LOSD data A general public user would like to find linked data sets through search engines (e.g. SPARQL) or a data catalog (e.g., CKAN) to visualize and download LOSD data Use Case 3: NSO Collaboration with 3rd party partner for developing added- value services An external 3rd party would like to access LOSD data and combine multiple data sets (any) to create a new service, visualization or information

3 Use Case 1: NSO statisticians publishing LOSD
A statistician from one of the NSOs would like to publish raw data (presented in a csv format) in a LOSD format and publish it to into local LOSD platform Data: Census Data LFS DATA SILC Data Input Format: CSV

4 Use Case 2: General Public Users accessing LOSD data
A general public user would like to find linked data sets through search engines (e.g. SPARQL) or a data catalog (e.g., CKAN) to visualize and download LOSD data Available Data: Census Data LFS DATA SILC Data Download Formats: CSV, JSON, RDF

5 Use Case 3: NSO Collaboration with 3rd party partner for developing added-value services
An external 3rd party would like to access LOSD data and combine multiple data sets (any) to create a new service, visualization or information Available Data: Census Data LFS DATA SILC Data

6 Use Case 3: Concrete Cases
Target Audience Case Description Cork City Profile General Public Users Public users can explore Cork City Profile with LOSD Data CSO Statisticians CSO Statisticians are exposing the required data to be integrated in Cork City Profile CSO-OSI Collaboration Application Developers Mapping OSI boundary data to CSO Census Data Ireland, Sustainable Development Goals Story Map Developers Creating story maps with LOSD Policy Makers Exploring story maps integrating LSOD

7 <<Shortened Workplan>>
LOSD Publication Provision of a service to Publish and Linked Statistical Data on the Semantic Web <<Shortened Workplan>>

8 LOSD Publication Project Phases
Documentation, Dissemination and Harmonization Pilot Implementation of the LOSD Service Scoping & Architecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Planned Started/Finished Phase 1: LOSD Service Specification and Scoping and LOSD Service Architecture Design Phase 2: Implementation Recommendations of the LOSD Service Phase 3: Support, Documentation, Dissemination and Harmonization

9 LOSD Publication Project Gantt
Documentation, Dissemination and Harmonization Pilot Implementation of the LOSD Service Scoping & Architecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

10 <<Shortened Workplan>>
LOSD Training Provision of services, tools and training materials for publishing, using and visualising Linked Open Data <<Shortened Workplan>>

11 LOSD Training Project Phases
LOSD Training Services Specification & Scoping Training & Collaboration Platform 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Planned Started/Finished Phase 1: LOSD Capacity Building Specification and Scoping Phase 2: Provision and maintenance of the training and collaboration platform Phase 3: LOSD Training Services

12 LOSD Training Project Phases
LOSD Training Services Specification & Scoping Training & Collaboration Platform 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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