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Explaining the flavour anomalies with Leptoquarks

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1 Explaining the flavour anomalies with Leptoquarks
Andreas Crivellin Theory Group of the Laboratory for Particle Physics Explaining the flavour anomalies with Leptoquarks La Thuile,

2 Outline Introduction: Flavour anomalies
b→sμ+μ- b→cτν Simultaneous explanations with leptoquarks 2 scalar leptoquarks Vector leptoquark Conclusions and outlook Talks of Gudrun, Andrew and Johannes Andreas Crivellin

3 Global fit to b→sμμ data
Flavour changing neutral current Global analyses give a very good fit to data B. Capdevila, AC, S. Descotes-Genon, J. Matias and J. Virto, arXiv: [hep-ph]. Fit is 5-6 σ better than the SM

4 All measurements above the SM prediction ≈4σ deviation
b→cτν processes All measurements above the SM prediction ≈4σ deviation

5 Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment
Single measurement from BNL Theory prediction sound but challenging because of hadronic effects. Soon new experimental results from Fermilab 3 σ deviation (order of SM-EW contribution)

6 Leptoquarks Scalars or Vectors
Talk of Gudrun Scalars or Vectors 5 gauge representations each which are invariant under the SM gauge group Couple quarks to leptons Maybe also quarks to quarks Proton decay Are present in Grand Unified Theories

7 aμ: Leptoquarks mt/mμ enhancement 8

8 Z→μμ at future colliders
Leptoquarks in aμ Chirally enhanced effects via top-loops Left-, right- handed muons-top coupling E. Leskow, A.C., G. D'Ambrosio, D. Müller arXiv: Z→μμ at future colliders 8

9 Two Scalar Leptoquarks for b→cτν
scalar leptoquark singlet with Y=-2/3 scalar leptoquark triplet with Y=-2/3 AC, D. Mueller, T. Ota arxiv: Constructive in R(D(*)) Destructive in b→sνν

10 R(D(*)), b→sνν with 2 Scalar LQs

11 very strongly enhanced
R(D(*)) and b→sττ Large couplings to the second generation Cancelation in b→sνν needed: C(1)=C(3) b→sττ very strongly enhanced Capdevila, AC, Descotes-Genon, Matias See also R. Alonso, B. Grinstein and J. Martin Camalich,

12 R(D(*)), b→sμμ and aμ with 2 scalar LQs
Scalar leptoquark singlet + triplet with Y=-2/3 Cancelation in b→sνν imposed 2 out of 3 can be explained

13 Vector Leptoquark SU(2) Singlet
C9=-C10 effect in b→sμμ Left handed vector current in R(D) and R(D*) No effect in b→sνν No proton decay Contained within the Pati-Salam model Massive vector bosons Non-renormalizable without Higgs mechanism Pati Salam not possible at the Tev scale because of KL→μe and K→πμe Good solution, but difficult UV completion

14 Pati-Salam + vector-like fermions
Avoids bounds from KL→μe and K→πμe with 3 light generation (SM fermions) 3 heavy generation (vector like) Only the LQ couples flavour violating

15 R(D(*)) and b→sμμ LHCb bounds require additional heavy
neutral fermions Simultaneous explanation possible! Can also account for the AMM of the muon

16 Pati-Salam + Randall-Sundrum
M. Blanke, AC, arXiv: broken to the SM via boundary conditions on a compact extra dimension Zero modes: SM fermions KK modes: Vector-like fermions and massive gauge bosons No zero mode for the Leptoquark Flavour alignment to the down-sector PS + RS naturally accounts for a vector LQ + VLFs

17 D mixing τ→μμμ and cannot be avoided
Flavour effects b→cτν b→sμμ τ → μμμ & D mixing D mixing τ→μμμ and cannot be avoided

18 Modell well motivated + limited but sizable effect
PS+RS Phenomenology Modell well motivated + limited but sizable effect

19 Conclusions Lepton Flavour Universality Violation (LFUV) Electron channels: SM-like b→sµµ >5σ b→cτν >4σ aµ >3σ τ→Kν >2σ Leptoquarks provide a very promising solution to the flavour anomalies Andreas Crivellin

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