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3 In 1909 W.E.B. DuBois founded the…

4 A. Philip Randolph is known as
“Father of the Civil Rights Movement” At his urging, FDR, signs Executive Order 8802 which prohibited racial discrimination in the national defense industry.

5 In 1947, Jackie Robinson breaks the
color barrier in major league baseball.

6 In 1948, President Truman ended
segregation in the US Military.

7 In 1954, the Supreme Court decided
the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. This landmark Supreme Court decision outlawed segregation in American public schools.

8 The Brown family.

9 Brown’s NAACP’s Lawyer was
Thurgood Marshall who would eventually Become the 1st African-American on the US Supreme Court.

10 The Brown decision: De Jure segregation is segregation by law and
Overturned Plessey v. Ferguson –1896 which the court ruled violated the 14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause. * Outlawed the “Separate but, Equal” doctrine. * Ruled that segregation is inherently unfair. The Supreme Court ordered US public school to desegregate, “with all deliberate speed.” De Jure segregation is segregation by law and illegal in America. De Facto Segregation is segregation by fact and not illegal.

11 1955 Rosa Parks The Montgomery Bus Boycott

12 In 1955, Rosa Parks is arrested
for sitting in the front of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

13 organizes the Montgomery Bus Boycott Martin Luther King Jr.
and stresses Non-violent Civil Disobedience.

14 In 1957,A crisis occurred at Central High
in Little Rock, Arkansas.

15 Nine black children nicknamed the
“Little Rock Nine” attempted to enroll at all-white Central High.

16 At first, Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus called out the National Guard
At first, Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus called out the National Guard to stop the students from entering Central High.




20 Three weeks later, President Eisenhower orders the US Army to escort the “Little Rock Nine” into Central High.

21 Chief Justice Earl Warren
President Eisenhower Chief Justice Earl Warren “I don’t believe you can change the hearts of men with laws and decisions.” The “Warren Court” with the Brown decision begins a sixteen year legacy of civil rights protections. On his nomination of Earl Warren, to the Supreme Court, “My biggest mistake.”

22 In 1960, desegregate southern restaurants.
college students started a series of “Sit-ins” to desegregate southern restaurants.



25 “I have a Dream” speech outlining
In 1963, at the conclusion of a “March on Washington” Martin Luther King gave his famous, “I have a Dream” speech outlining his hopes for the equality of all Americans.

26 In 1964, the Civil Rights Act is passed.

27 It outlawed segregation in public places
based on race, color, religion or national origin.

28 In 1965, the Voting Rights Act was passed.

29 It outlawed literacy tests and poll taxes.
Federal officials were allowed to oversee elections in southern states.

30 Malcolm X The Black Power Movement

31 Malcolm X joins the Nation of Islam or Black Muslim Movement
More militant than MLK Jr., he preached separation from whites and not integration. Malcolm X also did not reject violence if used in self- defense as a option in dealing with race problems.

32 After breaking away from the Nation of Islam,
Malcolm X is assassinated by its loyal followers in 1965.

33 In August 1965, the Watts Riots
broke out in Los Angeles.

34 After six Days of violence
4,000 arrested and $40 Million in property damage. 34 people were killed 1,072 injured

35 The Black Panther Party was
founded in Oakland, California in 1966.

36 The Black Panthers sought to end police harassment and white economic domination by… assuming neighborhood control of their police, schools and business. The Panthers also supported the use of weapons for self-defense and retaliation.

37 On April 4 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in
Memphis, Tenn.

38 The funeral of Martin Luther King Jr.

39 Kings assassin, James Earl Ray… dies in prison in 1999, claiming his innocence.

40 Hispanic Civil Rights Cesar Chavez

41 IN 1942, The Bracero Program was begun to
assist in the harvesting of crops during WWII. Mexican farm workers were given temporary work permits to live and work in the US.

42 Called Migrant Farm Workers Harsh living Conditions No medical No
Undocumented Aliens Harsh living Conditions No medical benefits No Minimum wage Afraid of “La Migra”

43 1962 – Cesar Chavez & Delores Huerta
created the United Farm Workers Union.

44 In 1968, the UFW organized a Lettuce Boycott.

45 In 1970, it led a Grape Boycott which resulted in the recognition of the UFW.

46 Liberation Women’s Movement

47 In 1960, women make up 1/3 of the nation’s workforce. But only 5% are managers or administrators. For every dollar a man made, women were paid 63 cents. Only 13 women served in the House of Representatives and none in the US Senate. 2015/16 – women are about 20%

48 Betty Friedan wrote what became the women’s Bible…
The Feminine Mystique The “Cult of Domesticity” She challenged traditional views of women’s roles in society.

49 In 1966, the National Organization For Women was founded.

50 1970- Congress proposes the EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT. By 1973, thirty states approved the amendment, but the push for ratification stalled and the amendment was never made law. 1972-Title Nine – Congress passes a law guaranteeing women equal access to all areas of education.

51 1973- Roe v. Wade - The Supreme Court legalizes abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy.

52 Gay Civil Rights

53 2015 – US Supreme court rules that gay marriage is legal in all states

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