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Uses of Guidance Deal with misfortune, illness or death

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Presentation on theme: "Uses of Guidance Deal with misfortune, illness or death"— Presentation transcript:

1 Uses of Guidance Deal with misfortune, illness or death
Major decisions Avoid danger Determine guilt or innocence Appointment or election Find lost objects/persons Get special knowledge

2 Answering Questions through Oracles
Organic Oracles Mechanical Oracles Oaths Presentiments Prophecies Dreams/visions/trance Possession Divination Astrology Omens Casting Lots Ordeals

3 Non-Physical Extra-Sensory
Divination The ways in which people seek to determine the origin of a problem and discover the appropriate answer. Non-Physical Extra-Sensory Physical Human (body actions, ordeals, etc.) Animal (examination of entrails, ordeals, etc.) Plant (botonomancy) Non-living (astrology, geomancy, etc.) Physical manipulation (rod and pendulum) Astral travel Clairvoyance Visions/dreams Inspiration Possession Presentiments

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