S1 Science Biological Sciences

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1 S1 Science Biological Sciences
DNA S1 Science Biological Sciences

2 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand the role of the nucleus in controlling the cell. State what “DNA” is. State where DNA is found in a cell. State what a “gene” is. State what a “chromosomes” are. Describe three ways in which the chromosomes of one organism might differ from another.

3 DNA DNA contains the genetic instructions which control the development and function of all known organisms. DNA is found in the nucleus of a cell.

4 Gene A gene is a section of DNA which controls an inherited characteristic e.g. eye colour, size of your feet, left or right handed, skin colour

5 Chromosome A chromosome is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many genes. Different organisms have different numbers of chromosomes in their cells.



8 Different organisms Different organisms have different:
numbers of chromosomes sizes of chromosomes alleles (forms) of gene on chromosomes

9 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand the role of the nucleus in controlling the cell. State what “DNA” is. State where DNA is found in a cell. State what a “gene” is. State what a “chromosomes” are. Describe three ways in which the chromosomes of one organism might differ from another.

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