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The Corinthian Church Mk 9:33-41.

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Presentation on theme: "The Corinthian Church Mk 9:33-41."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Corinthian Church Mk 9:33-41

2 Problem of Placing Undue Honor on Man I Cor 1-4
The Corinthian Church Problem of Placing Undue Honor on Man I Cor 1-4

3 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Pride Was Common Culture Preeminence Being First Surpassing all others (Google) Prominence Among the first The state of being important or famous (Google)

4 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Pride Was Common Culture Mt 6:1-6, Pharisee's sought recognition for their works Mt 20:20-28, James & John seek prominence in Jesus' kingdom Mk 9:33-41, disciples arguing over who was greatest Jas 2:1-9, early church gave prominence in seating

5 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Pride Was Common Culture God is not a “respecter of persons” Meaning: partiality or favoritism Rom 2:11, Col 3:25, I Pet 1:17, in judgment Eph 6:9, of the slave or master Acts 10:34, of the Gentile converts Jas 2:1-9, Early Church Condemned I Tim 5:21-25, Timothy warned against showing prejudice

6 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Pride in the Corinthian Church 1:10–4:21, Divisions who baptized them 5:1–13, Pride over the sinner 6:1–11, Brother suing brother Result of pride? 6:12–7:40, Value their body Temple of the Holy Spirit 8:1–11:1, Value Another’s Soul Matters of expediency & freedom in Christ)

7 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Pride in the Corinthian Church 11:2–16, Women’s Roll Especially head coverings 11:17–34, Lord's Supper Their prosperity became divisive 12:1–14:40, Use of Spiritual Gifts 12:1-31, Respecting each other’s abilities 13:1-13, Must have love above all things 14:1-40, Using spiritual gifts in the assembly

8 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Boasting of A Man? Corinthians Boasting 1:12, Now this I say, that every one of you says, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. 4:6, that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another. Entire context from 1:10-4:21 Paul is addressing why the Corinthians would want to boast of a (any) man

9 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Boasting of A Man? 1:17-31, If We Boast, Boast of God Vs. 17a, Preaching Gospel is Preferred over Baptism (Milk of the Word) Vs. 17b-24, Wisdom of World is Foolishness Vs , Foolishness of God is Wiser than Wisdom of Men Vs , if you Glory, Glory in God Note: Baptism is a remedial doctrine Heb 5:11-6:3. first principles. Milk of the word.

10 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Boasting of A Man? Gospel is the Wisdom of God 2:1-6, Paul did not Preach Mans Wisdom (His Own) 2:7-13, No Man can Know the Mind of God 2:14-16, Only the Spiritual Man is Capable of Receiving God’s Wisdom 3:1-3, But They are Carnal

11 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Boasting of A Man? Gospel is the Wisdom of God 3:4-8, Paul and Apollos are ONLY Servants 3:9-17, the Corinthians are God’s Building Christ is the Foundation Paul Laid the Foundation Apollos built on this Foundation Take Heed how you build on this Foundation 3:18-23, They Belong to Christ

12 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Boasting of A Man? Gospel is the Wisdom of God 4:1-6, Paul and Apollos are Ministers (Servants) and Stewards

13 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Boasting of A Man? The Gospel is the Wisdom of God 4:7-14, Do not be Prideful Who made them to differ? What do you have that you have not received? Why glory since you did not originate it?

14 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Boasting of A Man? The Gospel is the Wisdom of God 4:7-14, A Paradox to Consider They are full, rich, reigned as kings Apostles are a spectacle unto world, angels, and men Apostles are fools but the Corinthians are wise in Christ Apostles are weak but the Corinthians are strong in Christ Apostles are despised but the Corinthians are honorable in Christ Paradox and contrast Paul makes here comparing the GREAT Apostles to the Corinthian's who desired to be GREAT.

15 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Boasting of A Man? The Gospel is the Wisdom of God 4:7-14, A Paradox to Consider Apostles Hunger, thirst, naked, buffeted, without home, work with their hands, reviled yet we bless persecuted yet we endure it defamed we entreat made filth of the world and are the off scouring of all things Paradox and contrast Paul makes here comparing the GREAT Apostles to the Corinthian's who desired to be GREAT.

16 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Primary Lessons Keeping a Proper Perspective of Man Not More than Appropriate Not Less than Appropriate It is God’s Plan, His Work in Preaching, and He Produces Results God’s Wisdom and Strength Far Exceeds Man’s They Belong to Christ Not Paul, Apollos, or Peter Dangers of Pride, Preeminence, and Prominence; Then & Now

17 Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth
Secondary Lessons Preaching the Gospel is not Foolishness but to Boast of Man is Gospel is Foolishness to the Carnal Humility is required to receive the Gospel Explanation of Apostles’ Inspiration Christians are to be Holy Christians are to be Servants

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