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El doctor distraído Mini-cuento #2.

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Presentation on theme: "El doctor distraído Mini-cuento #2."— Presentation transcript:

1 El doctor distraído Mini-cuento #2

2 Distraído –distracted
Mandar/Enviar un mensaje de texto–to text No presta atención a nada Por donde camina—where he/she is walking Por donde va—where he/she is going Cuando sale a la calle—when he/she goes out to the street

3 — distracted — to text — He/she doesn’t pay attention to anything —where he/she is walking —where he/she is going —when he/she goes out to the street

4 Van al café para—they go to the café in order to
Pasar tiempo con—to spend time with Llegar tarde/a tiempo—to arrive late… Por horas y horas—for hours & hours

5 —they go to the café in order to
—to spend time with —to arrive late… —for hours & hours

6 El problema es que—the problem is that…
Como no presta atención—since he doesn’t pay attention… No llega a dónde va—he doesn’t get to where he is going No tiene ninguna idea dónde está Va por el camino equivocado— he goes the wrong way

7 —the problem is that… —since he doesn’t pay attention… —he doesn’t get to where he is going —he has no idea where he is — he goes the wrong way

8 He insists that I leave— insiste en que me vaya
He insists that you leave— insiste en que te vayas …that she leave—que ella se vaya …that we leave—que nos vayamos …that they leave—que se vayan

9 He insists that I leave—
He insists that you leave— …that she leave— …that we leave— …that they leave—

10 Since it is…—como es… …late—tarde …early—temprano …very early—muy temprano …a holiday—un día festivo …a school day—un día de escuela She waits for him—Ella lo espera He studies, sleeps late, does HW, eats lunch with, doesn’t have to, doesn’t need to, …

11 Since it is…— …late— …early— …very early— …a holiday— …a school day— She waits for him— He studies, sleeps late, does HW, eats lunch with, doesn’t have to, doesn’t need to, …

12 There is a doctor whose name is Dr. Wong.
He never pays attention to anything. He never pays attention when he goes out to the street. He never pays attention so he always goes the wrong (wong) way. LOL

13 One day he goes to the café to spend time with Silvia.
Silvia is his girlfriend. She knows that Dr. Wong never arrives on time. He always arrives late because he never pays attention to where he is going. Silvia waits for him. She sends him a text message.

14 The problem is that since he never pays attention to anything, he never know where he is.
He never pays attention when he goes out to the street, so he never arrives at the café. Poor Silvia. She waits and waits and waits.

15 Dr. Wong never receives the message because he never pays attention to anything.
He goes to a school instead of (en vez de) the café. He arrives on time for a science class. He doesn’t follow the class rules and he answers some questions without raising his hand. The teacher has no idea who he is.

16 The teacher insists that he leave/go because he has no idea who the doctor is.
The teacher insists that he leave because he doesn’t understand why a doctor is in his classroom. The teacher insists that he leaves because the doctor doesn’t follow the class rules!

17 Dr. Wong leaves the classroom.
He doesn’t remember to go to the café. He decides to go home. Since he is tired, he decides to take a nap. Silvia is still (todavía) at the café. She sends him a text message but he doesn’t hear it because he is sleeping. Silvia is at the café for hours & hours. Poor Silvia

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