Steering in the Right Direction

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Presentation on theme: "Steering in the Right Direction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steering in the Right Direction
Time: Video and Strategic Teaching Slides (Slides 25-30) 30 minutes approx. 1 1

2 Collaborative Leadership
“The most effective way to forge a winning team is to call on the players’ need to connect with something larger than themselves….I’ve discovered that when you free players to use all their resources – mental, physical, and spiritual – an interesting shift in awareness occurs. When players practice what is known as mindfulness – simply paying attention to what’s actually happening – not only do they play better and win more, they also become more attuned with each other.” (Phil Jackson, basketball coach and author of Sacred Hoops) TIME: Collaborative leadership lesson (slides 31–55) 70 minutes. Individuals read silently and talk with partner about what impacts them the most in this quote. Facilitator says: “WE KNOW THIS INTUITIVELY- LEADERSHIP DOES MATTER. WE also HAVE SOME DATA TO BACK THAT UP. Collaborative Leadership is key 2 2

3 STRATEGIC TEACHING Strategic teaching is the use of multiple and connected instructional strategies and engagement practices to ensure the comprehension, retention, and application of content material. You may want to have participants utilize the Planning a Strategic Lesson packet for these next slides 3

4 How Do Teachers Make It Happen?
Through purposeful planning, teachers: Determine the content to be learned based on state and local standards Choose strategies based on the purpose of the lesson and the nature of the material being studied Consider the needs of the learners based on academic data and adolescent brain research

5 What Makes It Visible? The following components will be seen in strategic lessons: Student Friendly Learning Targets A lesson structure that includes before, during, and after (formative assessment) strategies Instructional Practices Talking and Chunking Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) - I Do, We Do, Y’all Do, You Do (combination varies daily as needed) Active Literacy (TWIRL) - reading, writing, talking, listening, and investigating The number one aspect to look for when visiting classrooms is student engagement. 5

6 Feature Analysis Matrix
Read the vignettes and, using the feature analysis matrix, determine if there is evidence of strategic teaching based on the components. Handout – Semantic Feature Analysis 6

7 Applying Strategies A variety of strategies can be applied to support this lesson framework. Strategies should be purposefully chosen to incorporate literacy skills into the content areas. The semantic feature analysis is a tool used to show the connection between literacy strategies and literacy skills. Distribute the semantic feature analysis. (Handout) Consider the literacy strategies that we have used the past 3 days. Mark the semantic feature analysis based on the literacy skills that each strategy addresses. 7 7

8 Final Thought Slip Watch this video:
Write a Final Thought Slip on the provided paper. Leave on the table. Happy Holidays! Watch this video:

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