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Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Concerns

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1 Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Concerns
Keywords Legal Issues, Privacy, The Data Protection Act 1998, Computer Misuse Act 1990, Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, Creative Commons Licensing, Freedom of Information Act 2000. Ethics Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Concerns

2 Task In groups: Research what each of these legislations cover:
Objectives BEGINNER: Research different laws related to Computing. ADVANCED: Explain how Computing Laws are applied. EXPERT: Understand what privacy issue could arise through the use of technology. In groups: Research what each of these legislations cover: The Data Protection Act 1998 Computer Misuse Act 1990 Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 Creative Commons Licensing Freedom of Information Act 2000 Create a presentation that outlines each of Laws. Starter activity

3 Acts Objectives BEGINNER: Research different laws related to Computing. ADVANCED: Explain how Computing Laws are applied. EXPERT: Understand what privacy issue could arise through the use of technology. The Data Protection Act 1998 covers how personal data may be used by companies It covers: what can be collected how long it can be kept for steps to keep it up to date/accurate sending and using the data who can see that data People who collect personal data need to register with the Information Commissioner The Computer Misuse Act Makes is illegal to use computers to: Access computer systems without proper authorisation Access computer systems with intent to commit a criminal offence. Alter data without permission (e.g. through the use of viruses, physical deletion etc.) Starter activity

4 Acts Objectives BEGINNER: Research different laws related to Computing. ADVANCED: Explain how Computing Laws are applied. EXPERT: Understand what privacy issue could arise through the use of technology. The Copyright Designs and Patents Act protects people’s written, dramatic, musical, film, broadcasts property Makes it an offence to copy or distribute other people’s intellectual property without permission. The Creative Commons License Allows people with protected work to allow free distribution of the work. They may want to do this to allow say Remixing of their songs. It may be an author wants other people to edit and improve their book. They may allow Commercial, or non-Commercial use of their work. Freedom of Information's Act 2000 allows members of the public to access information that is held by public services Public services may include: Fire, Police, Telecommunications, Secondary Schools, Town Planning and Healthcare. Public Services are required to publish information under this Act. Members of the public can request information under this Act. Starter activity

5 Privacy Objectives BEGINNER: Research different laws related to Computing. ADVANCED: Explain how Computing Laws are applied. EXPERT: Understand what privacy issue could arise through the use of technology. The internet means that millions of people could potentially access our data. The Data Protection Act helps to stop our data being misused… but are we always safe? We often give away key data without realising it: E.g. Ellie98 as a username… - May identify you as female - May suggest you were born in 1998 How often does the average person get a new mobile device? What do you think an issue of changing your mobile phone every 2 years may have on ‘privacy’? Starter activity

6 Privacy Objectives BEGINNER: Research different laws related to Computing. ADVANCED: Explain how Computing Laws are applied. EXPERT: Understand what privacy issue could arise through the use of technology. James has the following data available publically in different areas: User Name: JamesF1997 His favourite football team Location History through his phone, shows where he checks in Starter activity James has a public photo on Facebook Metadata on the photo shows where/when the photo was taken What dangers has James put himself in – and what could you recommend for him to do to protect against any of these risks?

7 Privacy Objectives BEGINNER: Research different laws related to Computing. ADVANCED: Explain how Computing Laws are applied. EXPERT: Understand what privacy issue could arise through the use of technology. Search for yourself using Google, Bing and one other search engine: Search for yourself using Google, Bing and one other search engine: List all of the things you find… Include: Videos Pictures Web links Usernames Read the descriptions of the first 20 searches to really see what comes up Could you build a profile about yourself, simply through searching your name? Starter activity

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