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Dilepton production with HADES

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1 Dilepton production with HADES
at GeV kinetic energy Anar Rustamov GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung

2 Outline dilepton production main physics goal experimental approach
HADES spectrometer pair spectra cross sections comparison with models PLUTO HSD UrQMD pA data AA data summary

3 Dilepton spectra Sources of dileptons: Drell-Yan process charmonimum
A. Drees Sources of dileptons: Drell-Yan process charmonimum QGP dileptons resonances particles from freeze-out stage low mass part: study of Chiral symmetry restoration

4 Physics motivation r + ... Hadrons in medium
Chiral symmetry: SU(2)L x SU(2) R r N-1 N*(1520) + ... Spontaneously broken in vacuum by Partial Restoration in medium (melting of ) QCD sum rules QCD part: dispersion relation T. Hatsuda, S.H. Lee, Phys. Rev. C 46 (1992) R34 Probing the matter with vector mesons

5 Experimental approach
Mass distribution of the hadrons inside medium: p1, p2: 4-momenta Hadrons should be short lived (ρ, ω, Φ) p1, p2 should be detected undistorted (leptons) ρ(m) - spectral function, Г - width Experimental challenge: Mass [MeV] ct [fm] Г/Гtot->ee r 770 1.3 4.7×10-5 w 782 23.4 7.07×10-5 F 1020 44.4 2.97×10-4 small branching ratios high background

6 HADES spectrometer Acceptance Momentum resolution
φ ~ 2 π 15o < θ < 85o pair ~ 30% Momentum resolution Magnet: Tm MDC: 24 drift chambers σm~ 2% at ρ/ω region Particle identification RICH Time of flight Pre-Shower MDC (for hadrons) Trigger LVL1- charged particle mult. LVL2- single electron trigger

7 Pair spectra for pp at 3.5 GeV
Not efficiency corrected. Inside HADES acceptance Close partner cut Momentum cut 80 < P [MeV/c] < 2000 Track fitting quality cut θpair > 90 Combinatorial background (CB) uncorrelated correlated CB = N++ + N- -

8 Absolute normalization
Elastic scattering Kinematic constraints: Kammerud et al. Phys. Rev. D 4 (1971), 5

9 Pair spectra Efficiency corrected. Inside HADES acceptance Signal
σω ~ 16 MeV/c2 CB high S/CB ratio preliminary Number of pairs: All : ~ 6.1*104 M <0.15 : ~ 5.5*104 0.6 < M < 0.82 : ~ 451 θpair > 90

10 Cross sections Inclusive cross sections from pair spectra
σπo = 15 mb ± 4mb from Consistent with Resonance model S. Teis et al. Z. Phys. A 356, (1997) pp → π + X pp → π - X pp → π o X (HADES) lines are from HSD preliminary H. Weber et al., PRC 67 (2003) and references therein

11 Resonance model ~ 13 mb Δ (1232) sum over N* states higher 3/2 states
S. Teis et al. Z. Phys. A 356, (1997) and refernces therein

12 Cocktail simulation with PLUTO
particle production phase space ( but 1 π exchange for the Δ ) Fröhlich et al, arxiv: particle decays form factors mass dep. Width cross sections [mb] πo : 15 Δ : from isospin coeff. η : 1.04 ω : 0.28 ρ : 0.36 preliminary

13 ρ/ω cross sections Cross sections were obtained from simulated cocktail by changing the ρ/ω ratio until simulation fits the data W. Cassing, E. Bratkovskaya, Physics Reports 308 (1999)

14 Comparison with HSD preliminary preliminary

15 Comparison with UrQMD preliminary preliminary

16 Cocktail subtracted data
πo, η and ω contributions are subtracted Particle production HSD Lund String Model UrQMD Through Resonances W. Cassing, E. Bratkovskaya , Physics Reports 308 (1999) preliminary K. Schmidt, et al. Phys. Rev. C 79, (2009) N*, Δ N m Missing higher resonances in PLUTO Overestimation of ρ in UrQMD HSD from new calculations

17 pNb data at the same kinetic energy of protons ( 3.5 GeV )
Signal Online spectra: preliminary calibrations preliminary alignment pNb data pair momenta in ρ/ω region shape of ρ/ω as a function of their momenta can be studied

18 AA collisions normalization Enhancement factor ( 0.15 < M < 0.5)
F(2.0) = 1.9 ± 0.2(stat) ± 0.3(sys) ± 0.3( sys) F(1.0) = 6.8 ± 0.6(stat) ± 1.3(sys) ± 2.0( sys) PRL 98, (2008) PLB 663 (2008) 43-48

19 Excess yield DLS data HADES data π0 and η mutlt. from TAPS data
Excess scales with: Ebeam: like π production Apart : more than linear

20 Excess yield Facto -> factor Remove one “of” thesis: T. Galatyuk, K. Lapidus thesis: T. F. Krizek, S. Lang, M. Jurkovic …. C+C data reproduced (within 20%) by superposition of NN interactions Ar+KCl data overshoots the NN data by a factor of ~2.5; 20 20

21 Summary I Meson production is investigated in pp reactions at Tkin = 3.5 GeV For the first time inclusive cross sections for the π0, η, ω and ρ mesons are reconstructed Comparison of the data to transport models is shown The investigation of production mechanisms of the vector mesons are ongoing Reference spectra for the pNb run at the same beam kinetic energy is obtained

22 Summary II Excess observed in DLS is confirmed by HADS experimentally
The observed excess scales with energy like pion production and more than linear with Apart The excess in light system ( C+C ) is reproduced by superposition of NN interactions The observed enhancement in DLS data already exists in elementary reactions, and is not connected with any kind of medium effects

23 Comparison with UrQMD PT distributions for different mass bins

24 Pair spectra Particle identification: RICH-MDC matching
Alle+e- = Se+e- + CB Particle identification: RICH-MDC matching Time of flight cuts Shower cuts Background rejection: close track cut opening angle cut track fitting quality cut Alle+e- = Se+e- + CB θpair > 90 preliminary Combinatorial background (CB) CB = N++ + N- - uncorrelated correlated

25 AA data  HADES and DLS data agree ! HADES data in DLS acceptance …
DLS Data: R.J. Porter et al.: PRL 79 (1997) 1229  HADES and DLS data agree !

26 Comparison with the models
Normalized to π peak preliminary preliminary W. Cassing, E. Bratkovskaya, Physics Reports 308 (1999) K. Schmidt, et al. Phys. Rev. C 79, (2009)

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