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Welcome to class of International Government Relations Dr

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1 Welcome to class of International Government Relations Dr
Welcome to class of International Government Relations Dr. Satyendra Singh Professor, Marketing and International Business University of Winnipeg Canada





6 Govt. Can Impose Nontariff Barrier
WTO identifies 600 such barriers Quota Antidumping accusations Countervailing duty by law Labeling restrictions Licensing mandatory Product standards  health and safety Custom inspection procedure  host’ll do it Government procurement regulations TRIM  Trade Related Investment Measure WTO: DSB Dispute Settlement Board

7 So Form Govt. Relations Governments take actions It impacts MNCs
Regulate Taxation Expenditure Privatize Consultation It impacts MNCs Govt. actions  threats and opportunities for MNCs

8 Government Actions: Threats and Opportunities
↑ costs ↓ ROI Competitive disadvantage ↑ competition Co-opt Regulation Taxation Expenditure Privatization Consultation Control competition Competitive advantage Subsidies, grants, customer Level playing field Influence policy Given threats, MNCs need to formulate political strategy in both host and home countries  relations

9 Political Strategy – Elements
Formulation Objectives (form IJV, buy govt. assets, get permit, influence MPs to have favorable legislations) Issues (current or emerging) Stakeholders (allies, opponents, targets) Position/Case (“public interest”) Implementation Timing Techniques Direct (negotiate, litigate) Indirect (advocacy advertising, political contributions) Vehicles (association coalition, Government Relations department, consultants) Style (confrontation or conciliation  depends on objective)

10 Objectives: MNCs, SoE, Govt

11 MNCs Strategic approach to Govt. Policy
MNC Can NOT influence Govt MNC Can influence Govt 1 “Government Policy as lever for global competitiveness” approach base/cluster concept 3 Firm specific characteristics in MNC government interaction Use of strategic trade policy arguments to obtain government favors. 2 “Good corporate citizen” approach Government policy not viewed as a major determinant of international competitiveness 4 Influenced through lobbying, i.e., a proactive strategy To achieve Benefits of integration MNC’s objectives in Business – Govt. Interactions To achieve Benefits of National Responsiveness Strategy: Choose one (say 4); determine who has the bargaining power: Govt or MNC

12 Bargaining Power Governments may discriminate
Due to differing characteristics of subsidiaries Force MNCs to have IJV, impose taxes, fix prices Or they can give MNCs 100% foreign ownership and financial support! Sources of Bargaining power for host country Growing capability to replace the MNC’s products Control access to raw materials, labor and capital Sources of Bargaining power for MNC Global structure, Vertical integration MNCs avoid dealing with govts  unstable Globalization has made govt. FDI friendly

13 Govts Create Business Linkages

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