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Presentation on theme: "EARLY AMERICAN PRESIDENTS"— Presentation transcript:


2 George Washington No Political Party VP – __________

3 George Washington Was not a Politician
Relied on His __________ for Help

4 Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury
Raised taxes to cover debt from _________________________ Created 1st _____________ to hold all tax money

5 Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury
The bank upset those who feared a strong national gov’t (______________________)

6 Jay’s Treaty Great Britain was to leave some __________ in NW territories that they had promised to leave before First time Americans became ____________ with George Washington

7 Began to emerge during Washington’s Presidency
Political Parties Began to emerge during Washington’s Presidency

8 John Adams 1797 – 1801 __________ VP – Thomas Jefferson

9 John Adams XYZ Affair America refused to __________ French officials to stop piracy of US Ships

10 John Adams Alien &Sedition Act
illegal to _______ gov’t officials w/o proof Upset Dem-Rep cause violated First Amendment

11 Aaron Burr, George Clinton
Thomas Jefferson ___________________ Aaron Burr, George Clinton

12 Thomas Jefferson Election of 1800 TJ’s Goal
First _________ Transfer of Power TJ’s Goal Reduce the ____________ of federal government

13 Thomas Jefferson Embargo Act
Eliminated ___________with foreign countries in Europe due to piracy

14 Supreme Court Under Jefferson, Supreme Court sought to establish its power in the new gov’t

15 Thomas Jefferson __________ vs. ________
Established ______________________for all court cases in US

16 Supreme Court Chief Justice ____________
Marbury vs _________ gave court judicial review

17 Supreme Court McCullough vs Maryland prohibited states from ____________agencies of the federal gov’t

18 ____________________ Eldridge Gary
James Madison ____________________ Eldridge Gary

19 War of 1812 Fought between US and _____________over freedom of the ______ and _____________American Conflicts


21 Extremely unpopular war on both sides
War of 1812 Extremely unpopular war on both sides

22 Treaty of ___________ Officially ended War Neutral victory
America gained _____________ Territory Americans began to move into FL (Spanish Territory)

23 James Monroe 1817 – 1825 _______________________ VP - Daniel Tompkins

24 James Monroe Wanted ___________ to stay out of US Affairs
Created a rise in Nationalism in America

25 James Monroe Adams-Onis Treaty
US acquired the __________Territory from Spain

26 Monroe Doctrine Created to keep ___________ out of the affairs of America It had four major provisions (essential Knowledge)

27 MONROE DOCTRINE The American continents should not be considered for _____________________by any European powers. Nations in the Western Hemisphere were inherently different from those of Europe, ____________ by nature rather than ____________.

28 MONROE DOCTRINE The United States would regard as a __________ to its own peace and safety any attempt by European powers to impose their system on any independent state in the Western Hemisphere. The United States would not __________in European affairs.


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