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A Vocabulary Review Activity

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1 A Vocabulary Review Activity

2 Setup Directions: Type a vocabulary word on each of the following 10 slides in the subtitle textbox. When complete, run the show by pressing F5 on the keyboard. One student stands with back to this presentation. The class gives the student clues to the vocabulary word onscreen as a clock keeps time. The student tries to guess the word before the buzzer.

3 Ready to play?

4 The is… Holy Communion Sacrament of the Eucharist.

5 is… The Liturgy of the Hours
Tthe official, public, daily prayer of the Catholic Church.

6 The is… homily A brief liturgical sermon, that explains the readings and prepares us to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.

7 The is… Saint Benedict Founder of western monasticism. His rule emphasizes HOSPITALITY to bring Christ’s love to all those we encounter.

8 The is… psalmody The art of singing songs

9 is… The Gregorian chant
Monophonic, unaccompanied of liturgical singing that takes its name from Pope Gregory the Great. ( )

10 The is… Opus Dei Latin phrase meaning “work of god”

11 The is… Prayer Communication with God

12 The is… Hallowed Regarded as holy; revered and respected.

13 The is… Petition a prayer that requests a grace or blessing from God

14 The is… Saint Francis Saint Francis of Assisi founded a religious community dedicated to poverty and simplicity. By simplifying and removing the distractions from their lives, they could more easily know and proclaim the wealth of God's mercy.

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