Lesson 2 Vocabulary 2017.

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1 Lesson 2 Vocabulary 2017

2 1. vexation- irritation or annoyance
In vexation, I watched the neighbor’s dog poop in my yard. 2. malevolent- having or exhibiting hatred. I quit my job because I couldn’t tolerate the malevolent antics of my colleagues.

3 3. unsullied- spotlessly clean and fresh
The sheets were unsullied after they were washed. 4. assuage- to make less severe or burdensome In an effort to assuage angry customers, the store issued everyone a full refund.

4 5. piety- religious devotion and reverence to God
The millionaire’s act of piety was a huge donation that allowed the church to build homes for five needy families. 6. indigenous- occurring or living naturally in an area. There are several indigenous groups that still live in the area.

5 7. fractious- inclined to make trouble; unruly
The inexperienced teacher found the fractious students difficult to control. 8. tyranny- a government in which a single person assumes absolute control. The emperor’s tyranny was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people.

6 9. dispensation- a special allowance; privilege
The priest asked for dispensation from his vows. 10. amiable- pleasant; good- natured; friendly She had an amiable personality, always ready with a kind word and a smile.

7 11. contentious- tending to fight; unruly
Despite what they say, many people enjoy reading contentious posts of Twitter. 12. abominable- detestable; unpleasant Last year’s final record was abominable.

8 13. aloof- distant; unfeeling
The doctor was concerned about Trisha’s aloof treatment toward her new baby. 14. tacit- unspoken; understood without being expressed She felt that she had her parents’ tacit approval to borrow the car.

9 15. benign- compassionate; incapable of causing harm
Mary was pleased to learn that the tumor was benign. benevolence- inclination to perform charitable acts Her benevolence toward her employees was such that she actually let one live in her home temporarily.

10 17. prowess- superior skill or ability; strength or courage
He is known for his prowess on the football field. 18. ascertain- discovering with certainty; determined From looking at Monica’s grim face, I was able to ascertain she was in emotional distress.

11 19. whittle- to carve or shape
He whittled the figures out of soap. 20. aberration- deviation from the proper course Shelly’s angry retort was an aberration from her normally quiet demeanor.

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