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4th Grade Science Ch. 4 Sound and Light

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Presentation on theme: "4th Grade Science Ch. 4 Sound and Light"— Presentation transcript:

1 4th Grade Science Ch. 4 Sound and Light
Mrs. Thornburg’s version

2 Vocabulary Terms in 4th Grade Science Ch. 4
Transparent Frequency Concave Lens Pitch Vibration Translucent Reflection Volume Opaque Refraction Convex Lens

3 What do we call a back-and-forth movement of matter?

4 Vibration

5 What do we call the loudness of a sound?

6 Volume

7 What do we call how high or low a sound is?

8 Pitch

9 What do we call the number of vibrations per second?

10 Frequency

11 What do we call the bouncing of light off an object?

12 Reflection

13 What do we call the bending of light as it moves from one material to another?

14 Refraction

15 What do we call something that allows light to pass through it?

16 Transparent

17 What do we call something that allows some light to pass through it?

18 Translucent

19 What do we call something that does not allow light to pass through it?

20 Opaque

21 What do we call a lens that is thicker at the edges than in the middle?

22 Concave lens

23 What do we call a lens that is thicker in the middle than at the edges?

24 Convex lens

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