MestRe-C: pages: Start program……………………………………………………………

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Presentation on theme: "MestRe-C: pages: Start program……………………………………………………………"— Presentation transcript:

1 MestRe-C: pages: Start program…………………………………………………………… Perform Fourier Transform of FID data and zooming…. 4-6 Initial parameter guesses………………………………….………. 7-8 Simulation of spectrum………………………………………………. 9-11

2 Start program Go to „ „

3 Download „kdu_v50R.dll”: Double click “kdu_v50R.dl”; Press “Keep”
Double click „MestReC.exe”; Open; Press “Run” Now you are ready to go

4 2) Perform Fourier Transform of FID data and zooming
File -> Import spectra -> fid FT Press „FT“

5 Press „ Apply along t1“ Zoom in by using the magnifying glass

6 Zoom in by using the magnifying glass

7 3) Parameter guesses 1H-NMR

8 Kúplingsfastar Guess values based on 1st order analysis: HB HA
3.39 ppm ppm JAB JAB C 4.05 ppm HC C JBC JAC HB HA

9 4) Simulation

10 Type information from slide 8 and relevant parameters:

11 Comparison of spectra:
Exp. Calc.

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