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Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte.

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1 Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte

2 Emily Bronte Born July 30, 1818, one of six children; mother died when Bronte was 3 Lived in a desolate area of Haworth, Yorkshire, England Raised by an aunt who indulged the children’s imaginations Sister to Charlotte and Anne Died December 19, 1848

3 The novel Industrial Revolution was in full force in English economy
Cash was more important than land, so the middle class had more power than the upper class Hareton-farming class Lintons-landed gentry Heathcliff-capitalist Two marriages in the novel are possible because of change in class system Framework story with changing narrators

4 Rights of Women Married women could not own property until 1882
Daughters did not automatically inherit property unless provided for in a will Estates could be entailed to a male relative

5 Romanticism A result of the changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution These elements make the novel Romantic Nature is a powerful force Descriptions of the countryside Elevated level of passion Strong images of death Portrayal of opposites: escape/pursuit; calm/turbulence; class Isolation: physical and emotional Supernatural elements

6 Gothic Literature Late 1700s to deal with changes brought on by revolutions Elements: Haunted/ruined mansions/castles Extreme landscapes/weather Death Insanity Omens and curses Supernatural Villains/villain-heroes driven by passion Curious/persecuted heroine Revenge

7 Byronic hero-the lure of the bad guy
Conflicting emotions and moodiness Self-criticism Mysterious origins Distaste for society and social norms Self-destructive tendencies A loner

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