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Getting started.

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1 Getting started

2 Objectives Operate basic video equipment Videotape a simple program
Avoid common shooting mistakes Conduct a safe and courteous shoot

3 About Video Production
To produce a good program, you need to know how to operate the equipment, how to record good-quality video and audio, and how to tape footage that can by edited effectively.

4 Basic camcorder controls
Equipment Basics Basic camcorder controls Power Record Zoom White balance Matches your camcorder to the overall color quality of the light in which you are shooting. The automatic setting works well for beginners.

5 Automatic Camera Controls
Autofocus control- keeps the picture sharp and clear The camcorder focus on the central subject to focus Autoexposure control- regulates the amount of light admitted through the camcorder lens.

6 Videotape Handling Tape Preparing Tape
Store tape in its sleeve or case Brand New Tape: Roll it forward about 10 seconds Do not keep in hot cars Used Tape: Roll down to raw stock (preview to find the end of the previous footage, then record black) Keep out of direct sunlight Never open the protective front flap and expose the tape inside

7 A tripod is essential in creating quality videos
Make sure tripod head is level by adjust legs Make sure the camera is secure Point one tripod leg toward the subject

8 Avoid Camera Problems Avoid swinging the camera around to center one subject, then another. Instead, shoot the subjects seperately Do not make shots too brief. At least 3 to 4 seconds is necessary. Leave a few seconds (usually about 3) before the shot and after the shot to leave room for proper editing Do not pose subject against bright light. Ex: With the bright sun, sky, or white background. Avoid zooming, panning (move side to side), and tilting (move up and down) if possible. These effects can be accomplished in postproduction. Shoot each shot from different angles or lengths.

9 Quality Video Head room- position subjects at a pleasing distance from the top of the picture.

10 Head room Most try to center the subjects’ heads in the frame, instead place their eyes in the top third of the frame

11 Quality Video Head room- position subjects at a pleasing distance from the top of the picture. Look room- if the subject is looking to one side, provide extra space towards the direction the subject is looking.

12 Look room The subject looks crowded or constricted. Instead, shift the subject away from the direction of the look

13 Quality Video Head room- position subjects at a pleasing distance from the top of the picture. Look room- if the subject is looking to one side, provide extra space towards the direction the subject is looking. Lead room- is look room with a moving subject.

14 Lead room If you center moving subjects, they seem to run into the edge of the picture. Position subjects away from the frame edge farthest away from the direction in which they are moving Insert image 2-9

15 Quality Video Head room- position subjects at a pleasing distance from the top of the picture. Look room- if the subject is looking to one side, provide extra space towards the direction the subject is looking. Lead room- is look room with a moving subject. Rule of Thirds- Best way to achieve good composition (or a good shot)

16 Rule of Thirds Instead of centering the subject, which divides the frame in half. Imagine a tic-tac-toe grid in front of your picture, the frame is divided into thirds and looks more interesting

17 Rule of Thirds Insert image 2-10

18 3 simple steps for recoding better-sounding audio
Good Quality Audio 3 simple steps for recoding better-sounding audio Stay close to the subject Minimize background noise Direct silently Insert image 2-11

19 Camera Angles

20 Camera Angles cont…

21 The Shooting Session Try to make each shot look different from the preceding one. Varied images will make your video more interesting. Keep it safe! Don’t ask anyone to jeopardize their safety! Be courteous. Observe the laws, rules, and use good manners. Do not shoot on private property without permission Only use subjects if you have their permission

22 Managing the Shooting Session
REMEMBER: You are in charge, regardless of who is helping you! Take responsibility for the camera, tripod, and all equipment Never leave equipment unattended Never trust someone else to care for the equipment Make sure the camera is secure on the tripod before moving Protect camera from weather…rain, heat, cold Do not ask anyone (or yourself) to perform illegal or unsafe feats

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