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The world prompts This is a useful prompt to ensure that the world is covered and taught effectively towards the 40-60 month.

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Presentation on theme: "The world prompts This is a useful prompt to ensure that the world is covered and taught effectively towards the 40-60 month."— Presentation transcript:

1 The world prompts
This is a useful prompt to ensure that the world is covered and taught effectively towards the month age band.

2 Provide a range of experiences and trips to see their local community
Provide a range of experiences and trips to see their local community. Arrange local visits and visitors to talk to the children about their past experiences. For example- police, post office, fire station, dentist, lollypop lady, doctor, grand parents, other teachers, builder visit. Develop a sense of care and responsibility. Look after a pet e.g. fish, grow plants, vegetables, water class plant. Ensure that children are exposed to the natural environment and they can see how change can effect it e.g. when a plants leaves fall off. Encourage children to make maps, sketches, record observations and compare localities by providing local trips, sensory walks and outings to explore different environments. Include a wide range of information texts available in the setting and at each station within the classroom. for examples- animal, flower, bug, place and weather books. The World Looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. Allow children to explore their environment and resources e.g. digging, planting, wind up toys. Children will learn best from their own interest so encourage them to follow their own curiosity and scaffold them along the way e.g. “I wonder why this soil is hard?” Leave lots of open ended activities out to support and scaffold their understanding and learning.

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