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Civil Liberties.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Liberties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Liberties

2 Issues Civil Liberties are significant issues because there is often conflict between groups for rights guaranteed in the Constitution First Amendment “rights”= issues Rights of the accused are found in the Bill of Rights

3 Background of Civil Liberties issues
Framers intent 1. Limit Fed Power & Validate state Constitutions 2. Constitution- What Government Can do not what it cannot. 3. Government “can’t” do = Fed. government only. What problem does this create?

4 Civil Liberties Issues

5 The Bill of rights contains competing rights.

6 Government officials have been successful at restricting rights at wartime.(Limit a minority)

7 Cultural Issues Mixing of different cultures has caused individuals to feel offended Jews at Christmas on Government property Monolingual schools in Spanish areas Healthcare to illegal aliens

8 First Amendment

9 Freedom of Expression & National Security (press & prior restraint)
- Clear & Present danger Selective Incorporation - Gitlow v. New York Defining Speech - Libel, FCC- Obscenity, Symbolic Speech

10 1st Amendment Defining a Person- Individual vs. Corporations
Young Adults- School Newspapers Church & State - Free-Exercise Clause - Establishment Clause

11 Rights of the Accused

12 Rights of the accused Self-Incrimination
Exclusionary rule (Mapp v. Ohio) states Search & seizure - Public Safety & Immediate control - Miranda v. Arizona

13 Civil Rights

14 Background Slow Progress Whites were politically dominant
Southerners feared competition Whites dominated politics and process Fed. Action for equality, unfavorable

15 Equality, How’d They do it?
Publicize issues Forget Congress go to Court

16 Courts 14th Amendment- Plessy v. Ferguson - NAACP 1. Obviously unequal
2. Not-so Unequal 3. Inherently unequal

17 Brown v. Board of Education
Implementation Rationale Desegregation vs. Integration

18 Congress & Civil Rights
Public Opinion & Majoritarian issue - Sit-ins, freedom rides, nonviolence, militant riots Good vs. Bad, on the agenda

19 Women & Equal Rights

20 Women & Equal Rights The Draft- Rostker v. Goldberg Sexual Harassment

21 Affirmative Action

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