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Vocabulary Words World Literature

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1 Vocabulary Words World Literature
Night Week 3

2 Beadle The beadle will perform the opening prayer since the rabbi is running late.

3 Beadle Definition: n.—caretaker of a synagogue; a minor parish official Synonyms: functionary, official

4 Penury Billy foolishly went from a lifestyle of wealth and privilege to one of penury and starvation.

5 Penury Definition: n.—extreme poverty Synonyms: destitution, dearth
Antonyms: wealth, affluence

6 Esteem Sharon hoped to earn the esteem of his peers.
With hard work and dedication, Sharon hoped to earn the esteem of his peers.

7 Esteem Definition: v.—respect and admiration; the condition of being honored Synonyms: honor, revere Antonyms: despise, dishonor

8 Rescind When the college became aware Henry had been using steroids, they chose to rescind his football scholarship. totter

9 Rescind Definition: v—to take back or cancel; to take away
Synonyms: repeal, revoke, void Antonyms: continue, keep, validate

10 Surreal Salvadore Dali continues to be known for his surreal artwork that displays out of the ordinary images.

11 Surreal Definition: adj.—having a disorienting or dreamlike quality, unreal Synonym: bizarre, weird, freakish Antonym: real

12 Despair Bankrupt, out of work, and no relief in sight, the man felt himself overcome with despair.

13 Despair Definition: n.—the state in which all hope is absent or lost
Synonyms: anguish, despondency, gloom Antonyms: hope, joy

14 Dispersed After the Braves’ game, it took quite a while before the huge crowd had finally dispersed.

15 Dispersed Definition: v.—distributed or spread out over a wide area
Synonyms: scattered, diffused Antonyms: collect, unite

16 Edict Because of increased accidents, most states have an edict that forbids texting while driving.

17 Edict Definition: n.—an order made by a person or body of authority
Synonyms: decree, order, proclamation Antonyms: request

18 Prominent Many of Hollywood’s prominent actors will be at the charity fundraiser tomorrow.

19 Prominent Definition: n.—famous or in a position of importance
Synonyms: distinguished, respected, popular Antonyms: ordinary, unknown, unimportant

20 Bleak At the funeral, the widow looked bleak and lost. .

21 Bleak Definition: adj.—not hopeful or encouraging; offering little or no hope Synonyms: grim, dreary, dismal Antonyms: cheerful, friendly

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