Persia 600 BCE-600 CE.

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1 Persia 600 BCE-600 CE

2 Characteristics of an Empire
Takes over others and manipulates them to follow the central power. Creates rules and regulations that connects those that are conquered to the central power, but that central power doesn’t have to follow those rules. Organize a military and prevent competition. Secure and create stability in the differing parts that were conquered. Find a way to generate income to fund the empire’s programs. Bind the old upper class to the new central power.

3 Origins Appeared in Mesopotamia about 1300 BCE
From an Indo-European people group Cyxares (r ) established an army and began conquering & organizing the empire Married his daughter to a Babylonian prince Conquered Assyria

4 Persia under Cyrus II (the Great)
R BCE Expanded the empire and took out Babylon Used existing local governments and military in each satrapy Used previous kings as advisors Worship the Babylonian god Marduk to make the priests happy Allowed the people Babylon captured to go home 40,000 Jews went back to Judea They thought of Cyrus as a savior

5 Persia under Cyrus II (the Great)

6 Persia under Cambyses II (529-522 BCE)
Captured Memphis and the pharaoh Egypt revolted a lot so they had to put tons of military there Used the same administrative system set up by Cyrus Tried to capture Carthage but failed when his navy mutinied Tried to capture Nubia, but troops got lost in the desert He kicked his wife/sister to death while she was pregnant May have not been mentally stable

7 Persia under Darius I (522-486 BCE)
Moved Persian empire into India Produced 1/3 of money of the Empire There was lots of fighting on the borders Was unable to conquer Greece Used locals elites to staff the government jobs Expanded bureaucracy to make it more efficient Persian army was placed in each satrap Had to report directly to Darius about the satrap’s actions

8 Persia under Darius I (522-486 BCE)
Created the first Persian script Law codes for each area were created by the satrap in that area Taxed land by 20% Persian collector collected taxes on land, industry, mining, ports, water, and sales Built complex road system with inns and a royal courier service with stations every 15 miles Completed a Nile-Red Sea canal

9 Persia under Darius I (522-486 BCE)
Renewed irrigation systems Moved crops throughout the empire Standardized the gold coin Only his mint could make them Economy flourished Built 4 capital cities Emperor “owned” all the land Spread Zoroastrianism


11 Persian War Some conquered Greek colonies were trying to regain independence Athens tried to help, Darius got mad In 490 BCE, Darius decided to punish Athens Battle of Marathon 600 Persian ships landed with 48,000 soldiers Greece had 10,000 hoplites Persia lost 6400 men, Athens 192

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