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Vocabulary 4A + 4B Words Study PowerPoint

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1 Vocabulary 4A + 4B Words Study PowerPoint
English 1

2 Abscond 4A Definition: To run off an hide.
Synonyms: bolt, make off, and skip town

3 Anarchy 4A Definition: A lack of government and law; confusion.
Synonyms: Chaos, disorder, turmoil, and pandemonium Antonyms: Law and order and peace and quiet

4 4A Access Definition: Approach or admittance to places, persons, things; an increase. (v) to get at, obtain. Synonyms: Entry, admittance, and entrée Antonyms: Total exclusion

5 Auspicious 4A Definition: Favorable, fortunate.
Synonyms: Promising, encouraging, and propitious Antonyms: ill-omened, ominous, and sinister

6 Arduous 4A Definition: Hard to do, requiring much effort.
Synonyms: Hard, difficult, laborious, and fatiguing Antonyms: Easy, simple, effortless, and easy-cheesy-lemon-squeezy!!

7 4A Daunt Definition: To overcome with fear, intimidate, to dishearten, discourage. Synonyms: Dismay, and cow Antonyms: Encourage, embolden, and reassure

8 Biased 4A Definition: Favoring one side unduly, prejudiced.
Synonyms: Unfair, partial, and bigoted Antonyms: Fair, impartial, unprejudiced, and just

9 Hoodwink 4A Definition: To mislead by a trick, deceive.
Synonyms: Dupe and put one over on Antonyms: Undeceive, disabuse, and clue in

10 Fated 4A Definition: Determined in advance by destiny or fortune.
Synonyms: Destined, preordained, and doomed Antonyms: Accidental, fortuitous, chance, and random

11 Disentangle 4A Definition: To free from tangles or complications.
Synonyms: Unravel, unwind, unscramble, and unsnarl Antonyms: Tangle up, ensnarl, and snag

12 Inanimate 4b Definition: Not having life; without energy or spirit.
Synonyms: Lifeless, dead, insert, and spiritless Antonyms: Living, alive, energetic

13 Incinerate 4b Definition: To burn to ashes.
Synonyms: Burn up, cremate, and reduce to ashes Antonyms: Back to Life, alive, and not burning up

14 Intrepid 4b Definition: Very brave, fearless, unshakeable
Synonyms: Valiant, courageous, audacious, and daring Antonyms: Timid, cowardly, craven, and pusillanimous

15 Pliant 4b Definition: Bending, readily; easily influenced.
Synonyms: Supple, flexible, elastic, and plastic Antonyms: Rigid, stiff, inflexible, and set in stone

16 4b Pompous Definition: Overly self-important, excessively stately or ceremonious. Synonyms: Pretentious and bombastic Antonyms: Unpretentious, unaffected, and plain

17 Precipice 4b Definition: Very steep, cliff; brink or edge of disaster.
Synonyms: Cliff, crag, bluff, promontory, and ledge Antonyms: Abyss, chasm, and gorge

18 4b Larceny Definition: Theft Synonyms: Stealing, robbery, and burglary

19 4b Reprieve Definition: Temporary relief or delay. (v) To grant a postponement. Synonyms: Stay and respite / (v) Postpone and delay Antonyms: Proceed

20 Revile 4b Definition: To attack with words, call bad names.
Synonyms: Inveigh, against, malign, vilify, and denounce Antonyms: Praise, acclaim, revere, and idolize

21 Rectify 4b Definition: To make right, correct.
Synonyms: Remedy, set, and right Antonyms: Mess up, botch, and bungle

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