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STUDY Leave.

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1 STUDY Leave

2 Study leave Essential courses spreadsheet
Funding allocated – on study leave application identify which approved course request applies to Other courses not funded unless: Trainee is exceptional and Tpd agrees will enhance career development Trainee identified as being in difficulty and course is part of a remediation programme Trainee is using budget allocated for sub-specialty/special skills training Overseas study leave grant, up to £750 Presenting (oral or poster) at overseas conference deemed educationally worthwhile by Tpd Not for approval Mandatory training, including ALS, safeguarding is responsibility of NHS trust College examination fees


4 Less than full-time Who? Any trainee Category 1: Category 2 Childcare
Other caring Ill health Disability Category 2

5 Less than full-time How? Minimum 3 months’ notice
APPLICATION APPROVAL – ad for cat 1 TPD identifies appropriate placement %age ltft – 50, 60, 80 Slot share? Es confirms timetable Pro-rata ooh work Trainee responsible for ensuring all forms completed ?supernumerary – ill health Return to ftt requires 6 months’ notice

6 Out of programme OOP training (oopt) – gmc prospectively approved at request pd: counts to cct No need for approval if post already gmc approved or eea equivalent OOP experience (oope) – gmc approval not needed: does not count to cct OOP research (oopr) Not in final year of training Not normally for more than 3 years with CCT credit up to 12 months with gmc approval OOP career break (Oopc) – eg maternity leave Normally maximum of one year JRCPTB strongly recommend no OOP in final year and will not give credit for final year OOP if PYA not done in advance

7 Out of programme How? No guarantee when or where return to programmeq
Minimum 6 months’ notice TPD provisional approval Needs pd or dd approval JRCPTB notice to determine CCT credit Es/TPD should complete form c6 pre oop No guarantee when or where return to programmeq Es/TPD should complete form c7 pre return to work Consider refresher skills training and enhanced supervision

8 ACTING up Within 12 months of CCT date
Submitted at least 3 months in advance In an established consultant post (not a new one) For a maximum of 3 months Approved by TPD and any relevant rota co-ordinator

9 Curriculum mapping Identify what training each location can offer
Ensure trainees have clear expectations of what to expect from placement Ensure rotations are constructed to fully deliver curriculum objectives and in an appropriate sequence Plan for implementation of new curricula




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