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Jane Russell, Anna Smith, Alexandra Nica & Ross Miller

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Presentation on theme: "Jane Russell, Anna Smith, Alexandra Nica & Ross Miller"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jane Russell, Anna Smith, Alexandra Nica & Ross Miller
Elements of Success: Student Use of Learning Analytics Platform: Perceptions, Actions, and Achievement Jane Russell, Anna Smith, Alexandra Nica & Ross Miller ICONext

2 Agenda Why Elements of Success? Elements of Success Interface
Student Use of Elements of Success Perceptions Actions Achievement Instructor Insight Opportunity for you ICONext

3 Why Elements of Success? Why Student Success?
How am I doing? ICONext

4 Elements of Success ICONext

5 10/20/2017 ICONext

6 'Current Standing’ module
'Current Standing’ module. Overview of how students are doing in their course compared to their peers. They get a textual representation and then they can see actual points as well in the graph. 10/20/2017 ICONext

7 10/20/2017 ICONext

8 10/20/2017 ICONext

9 10/20/2017 ICONext

10 10/20/2017 ICONext

11 10/20/2017 ICONext

12 10/20/2017 ICONext

13 10/20/2017 ICONext

14 10/20/2017 ICONext

15 Background of the Study in ECON
4 online economics courses in Summer 2018 (N = 129) Pre- and Post-Surveys (93% response rate) Grit, Self-Efficacy, Self-regulation skills Perceptions of EoS Actions taken (if any) after viewing EoS Demographics Course performance Exams Final score ICONext

16 Students’ Perceptions

17 Students’ Perceptions
“It lets you know where you stand. For most courses you're in the dark until grades come out.” “I know if it's a really hard class/task or if I just need to step it up on a personal level more.” “It has shown me that what I am doing to prepare for assignments and exams is working for me.” “It motivates me to study more. I need to get my grade up and spend more time learning the material.” ICONext

18 Students’ Actions Students were most likely to report spending more time preparing for exams and least likely to report contacting the instructor ICONext

19 Students’ Actions Students were most likely to report spending more time preparing for exams and least likely to report contacting the instructor Students who felt that EoS was encouraging took more actions on average to improve their performance ICONext

20 Students’ Actions Students were most likely to report spending more time preparing for exams and least likely to report contacting the instructor Students who felt that EoS was encouraging took more actions on average to improve their performance Students who felt worried or discouraged by the information still took action ICONext

21 Standardized Estimate
Achievement Variable Estimate Standardized Estimate Pre-semester GPA 1.61 .10 Exam 1 0.39*** .64 Grit 1.03* .11 Self Efficacy 2.39*** .22 Exam Preparation 4.07*** ICONext

22 Standardized Estimate
Achievement Variable Estimate Standardized Estimate Pre-semester GPA 1.61 .10 Exam 1 0.39*** .64 Grit 1.03* .11 Self Efficacy 2.39*** .22 Exam Preparation 4.07*** Spending more time on exams was a significant predictor of course performance ICONext

23 Conclusions Students perceptions of EoS were positive ICONext

24 Conclusions Students perceptions of EoS were positive
Students who felt EoS was encouraging were more likely to take action to improve their performance ICONext

25 Conclusions Students perceptions of EoS were positive
Students who felt EoS was encouraging were more likely to take action to improve their performance These actions are positively related to course outcomes ICONext

26 Instructor Insight ICONext

27 Instructor Insight ICONext

28 Instructor Insight ICONext

29 Questions? ICONext

30 Opportunity for You Elements of Success is available to you. Supporting Your Students’ Academic Resilience: Nov. 1 (TH) 12:00 – 1:15 Elements of Success Research & Assessment Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology ICONext

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