President address 27 November 2017

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1 President address 27 November 2017
PMI-MCAC Professional Development Day 2017 Capital Leadership for the 21st Century President address 27 November 2017

2 PDD 2017 WOW! I am so please to see all of you here!
First let me say Welcome and Thank you for being here today! I want to introduce our Board members This amazing event would not have been possible without the help work and effort of all the volunteers and our sponsors!! introduce all ASPE/TEKsystems, RMC, Dewpoint and Allegra Who did all our marketing material

3 Michigan Capital Area Chapter of PMI
Vison for our future Grow our Chapter membership Capitalize on our geographical Area Exhibit professionalism Engage in our community Welcome diversity President : Gabrielle B Haskins, PMP Introduce our Board the president and our vision of the future

4 Retool Recharge Reenergize
21St Century-Capital leadership Your Ticket to a great leadership Skill set Retool Recharge Reenergize Agile Bootcamp Mission to Mars PMO Quizzes Local C-Level Execs panel 6 Major local industries workshop PM Leadership tools: PPM Risk Finance

5 We found our passion and shared
You showed up ! Ready to have fun! We found our passion and shared We got involved Worked as a team

6 Let’s do great things together!

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