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Element Profile Project Nitrogen

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1 Element Profile Project Nitrogen

2 The Element Atomic Number Atomic Symbol Atomic Mass Element Name

3 Short Description Nitrogen is a nonmetallic element found in group 5A of the Periodic Table. The element is known as a colourless, odourless, tasteless, gas at room temperature. It is also the most abundant element in Earth’s atmosphere consisting of 73% of the atmospheric air.

4 History of its Name The origin of the name Nitrogen comes from the Greek word nitron genes meaning nitre and forming and the Latin word nitrum (nitre is a common name for Potassium Nitrate, KNO3).

5 Discovery Nitrogen was discovered by Scottish chemist, Daniel Rutherford in During his experiment, Rutherford extracted oxygen and carbon dioxide from the air. He then put a living mouse and a lit candle into the container. Both died almost immediately, supporting the conclusion that the air in the container was not indeed oxygen. With that, Rutherford published his findings and is now credited for discovering the element Nitrogen.

6 Uses Nitrogen is used to make… Ammonia Explosives Fertilizer
Pesticides Dyes Liquid Nitrogen is also used to preserve substances such as blood, bacteria, bone marrow, etc.

7 How it’s Obtained Pure Nitrogen is obtained usually through the process of fractional distillation of liquid air. In this process, air is cooled to about -328 degrees Fahrenheit. The liquid air is then warmed up, allowing the Nitrogen to evaporate since it has a lower boiling point. As the Nitrogen gas escapes from the liquid air, it can be captured, cooled, and then liquified if needed.

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