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Post War: Economic Boom

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1 Post War: Economic Boom
Chapter 13

2 GI Bill Year of _______________ Financial aid for college
8 million go to college Loans for homes and ___________ Surge in ________ ________

3 Baby Boom 1957 – baby born every __ __________
Population jump of 27% between ____ and ____

4 CHART Chart: Birthrate

5 Economy and Productivity
Postwar rush caused ____________ Too much money, too few goods 6% of world population, produced 50% of world ______ __________ Worker productivity increased due to ____________ Military spending increases, demand for goods in foreign countries

6 Truman Taft-Hartley Act – ____________________
Est. a special committee on civil rights Congress rejected Desegregate the ____________ Election of 1948: ________ vs. _________ Fair Deal – strengthen New Deal and national health insurance

7 Eisenhower Middle Road Balance between conservative and liberal
Did NOT repeal ____ ____ Programs Created the interstate highway system Spent $ on education and training of scientist

8 Assignment P. 434 Notetaking P. 439 #1, 2, 4, 5, 6

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