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Word Parts 8 roots (white) 3 prefix (pink) 2 suffixes (green)

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1 Word Parts 8 roots (white) 3 prefix (pink) 2 suffixes (green)
Greek lesson 8 Word Parts 8 roots (white) 3 prefix (pink) 2 suffixes (green)

2 1. Crat, cras = mix Lesson 8: Roots
Example Words: Idiosyncrasy, procrastinate, crass, bureaucrat, autocrat Bureaucracy: a large group of people who are involved in running a government but who are not elected

3 2. Cosm = World; order Lesson 8: Roots
Example Words: Microcosm, cosmos, cosmopolitan, cosmonaut, cosmetologist

4 3. Polit, polis = City Lesson 8: Roots
Example Words: Annapolis, Indianapolis, political, apolitical, megalopolis

5 4. Crit, cris = Separate Lesson 8: Roots
Example Words: Crisis, criteria, criticize, hypocrite Crisis = In ancient Greece originally had a medical reference as a turning point in a disease, when I became clear whether or not the patient would live or die. Etymologists have discovered that the meaning of Crisis as a decisive moment was first recorded in English in 1627 as a figurative extension of the medical meaning. Adolescent crisis…

6 5. Top = Place Lesson 8: roots
Example Words: Isotope, topic, topography, utopia, topiary Isotope – two or more forms of a chemical element having the same number of protons in the nucleus but having different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus. Topography – the art or science of making maps / the features in an area of land

7 6. Thalass, thalatt = Sea Lesson 8: roots
Example Words: Thalassemia, thalassical, Panthalassa Thalassemia is a blood disorder passed down through families (inherited) in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin. Highest concentrations found around coastal regions, Mediterranean origins. It’s a condition found in areas of heavy malaria infestation. Thalassical – the color of the sea Panthalassa – also known as the Panthalassic Ocean which is the global ocean that surrounded the supercontinent Pangaea.

8 7. Naus, nau = Ship Lesson 8: roots
Example Words: Aeronautics, aquanaut, cosmonaut, nausea Aeronautics – the design, operation, and construction of aircraft Nausea – has roots in both Latin and Greek and originally meant seasickness.

9 8. Plut = Wealth Lesson 8: roots
Example Words: Plutocracy, plutocrat, plutolatry Plutocracy – A ruling or controlling and influential class of wealthy people. Plutolatry – the worship of or an excessive devotion to wealth

10 1. Idio = Individual Lesson 8: prefixes
Example Words: Idiomatic, idiosyncrasy, idiot, idioplasm, idiom Idiomatic – peculiar to a particular language, group, individual, sytle (the teachers idiomatic approach to classroom management) / Idiosyncracy – a physical or mental characteristic typical of a particular person Idos simply meant common man in Greek who were not particularly educated Ideoplasm – a spasm limited to a specific area of the body Idiom – an expression whose meaning is not predictable (kick the bucket, my heart is set on)

11 2. Ideo, idea = Idea Lesson 8: Prefixes
Example Words: Ideology, ideal, ideation , ideogram Ideogram: a written character symbolizing the idea of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it, e.g., numerals and Chinese characters. Ideology: a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

12 3. Auto = Self Lesson 8: Prefixes
Example Words: Autocracy, automobile, autonomy, autograph, autobiography Autocrat - a ruler who has absolute power. Autonomy – independence or freedom, self government Graph – write or written

13 1. Cracy = Rule; govern Lesson 8: suffixes
Example Words: Democracy, aristocracy, bureaucracy, theocracy Democracy - a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting Aristocracy - a form of government in which power is held by the nobility. the ancient Polish aristocracy had hereditary right to elect the king Bureaucracy - a large group of people who are involved in running a government but who are not elected / gov or business that has complicated ways of doing things

14 2. Poly = Sale; selling Lesson 8: suffixes
Example Words: Monopoly, polypoly, bibliopoly Not to be confused with “poly” which means “many” or “much” or poli which means city. Monopoly – a situation in which one company controls an industry or is the only provider of a product or service. Polypoly – a market or sales condition characterized by many sellers of a product Google search, Google Earth, Google Blogger, Google Translate, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Sites, Gmail, Google Plus

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