Trick and Tools for a New Age

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Presentation on theme: "Trick and Tools for a New Age"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trick and Tools for a New Age
Describe aims of the presentation – My intention here is not to show how you can utilise technology to support learning but to provide a context for your staff development days. We will consider – The changing world for learners and the world of work The ways that people learn (in particular younger learners that make up the majority of college students) How the technologies that are available can potentially be harnessed to engage and support learning So we’ll have a look at – Who are our learners, what are they like, what can we do to engage with them (in particular through technology) and how can we do it? A bit of a whistle-stop conversation. First a little bit about what their world will be like – Shift Happens

2 Are learners different today? If so, how? How should we respond?
How can technology help engage students with the learning experience? What do we need to know and understand?

3 Technologies for ‘Generations’
Baby Boomer Gen X / Y Gen Z TV Typewriter Telephone Memos Writing Family focus Video games PC CDs Individualist Web Smart phone IM MP4s Online communities Sharing Collaboration Let’s try and find out a little bit more about our learners – Baby Boomers - (defined as being born between 1946 to 1964, and aged between 44-62) are now starting to retire Gen X -generally applied to those born between 1965 and 1976 (32 to 43) Gen Y - Generation Y: Also called Echo Boomers, or the Millennium Generation, Generation Y was born during a baby bulge which took place between 1979 and 1994 (17 – 30). more than three times the size of Generation X and they’ve grown up in a more media-saturated and brand-conscious world than any of their predecessors. Gen Yers are also the most racially diverse in history (one third are not Caucasian), 75% have working mothers and 25% live in a single family home. However, access to information is perhaps the biggest difference between Gen Y and their predecessors. The first generation to grow up with the Internet, Gen Yers have been clacking away on keyboards since they were babies. They have accounts, cell phones and access to a dizzying array of fragmented media outlets. 10% of Gen Yers also have cosigned credit cards and a sense of financial responsibility and pragmatism which was previously unimaginable. As they continue to enter their 20s, Gen Y will soon be an economic force to be reckoned with. Gen Z / Net Gen - (Born ) Generation Z, - (0 – 20 years) is the youngest of generations thus far. These are the people that are born in the 1990s and will reach adulthood in the 2010s and enter the workforce around This group of people are generally thought to be instant minded, as they are born in the world of digital technology and gadgets. The internet was ‘born’ in 1990. Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau in In 1989, while working at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), both men made proposals for hypertext systems. In 1990 they joined forces and wrote a joint proposal in which the term "World Wide Web" is used for the first time (originally without spaces). And in late 1990 and early 1991, Tim Berners-Lee wrote the first web browser. What are the learner proportions in your institution?

4 Then Now Conventional Speed Step by Step Linear Text Standalone Passive ‘Twitch’ Speed Random access Parallel / Multi / non-linear Graphics / icons Connected / collaborative Active / control of information collaborative < active < learning by playing < instant payoff < fantasy

5 How to Learn Through enquiry Networked learning Experiential learning
Collaborative learning Active learning Self organisation Problem solving strategies Explaining knowledge to others Working in groups With other departments / institutions Outside classroom situations Using other practitioners like artists and inventors Sharing ideas and resources via ??? Developing understanding of the impact of technology

6 What does ICT have to do? Cooperative Learning Active Engagement
Construction of Knowledge Collaborative Learning ICT supporting CfE through – active engagement cooperation, collaboration, constructivism independent learning personal and group reflection working with others peer and teacher assessment / feedback Encourage ‘fun’ Environment for Learning

7 Can technology help? Blogs Podcasting Wikis VLEs Smartboards
Voting Systems E-Assessment Social networking Social Bookmarking Web-based resources

8 Flipping the Classroom
a class that uses video as an instructional tool Khan Academy

9 Charles thought …. “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most responsive to change” Charles Darwin

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