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Socialization and the Media

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Presentation on theme: "Socialization and the Media"— Presentation transcript:

1 Socialization and the Media

2 Media and Politics This is a video clip from “The Daily Show” following President Obama’s second inaugural address. This segment focuses on how the major news networks covered the inauguration. I chose this clip as an example because “The Daily Show” is a popular television series on Comedy Central that has been running since According to a poll from Time Magazine, Jon Stewart is the “most trusted newsman on television.”

3 Media and Politics

4 Daily Show Inauguration
This is a good example of socialization because it shows how political groups are socialized by the media. What’s supposed to be learned? Liberals viewing MSNBC were taught that it was a historic, poetic, and visionary speech. They are also taught that the president is fighting for American values like equality. Conservatives watching FOX News were told that the speech was divisive and that the president despises traditional American values. CNN viewers were taught to focus on distractions, like the first lady’s outfit, rather than consider the content of the speech. To CNN, news is about entertaining viewers rather than informing them. The video also demonstrates how values of religion and violence play critical roles in political theater.

5 Is this example effective?
This video is an effective example of how media shapes peoples’ political beliefs because each network chose to cover the same event in completely different ways. MSNBC and FOX News each used the coverage of the inauguration as propaganda for their own political views. CNN distracted their viewers with fashion in an attempt to remain neutral and boost ratings.

6 How could we make this “more real?”
All networks should be focusing on the content of the speech, rather than distractions. The networks themselves should not be trying to push their political agenda on viewers, but instead should focus on covering the actual facts in an objective manner.

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