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Persepolis: “The Shabbat”

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1 Persepolis: “The Shabbat”
English 2

2 Directions Open your RAW book to a new page and title it:
“Persepolis: The Shabbat” Make sure to add today’s date: 5/11(A), 5/12(B)

3 Set up the page for two column notes
Set up the page for two column notes. Leave more room on the right for your notes. Questions Notes

4 Add the following questions in the left column
Add the following questions in the left column. Make sure to skip lines between each question. Questions Notes What is the origin of Shabbat? What does Shabbat mean? What is Shabbat considered? How is Shabbat celebrated?

5 What is Shabbat, and why did Marjane Satrapi title this chapter that way?
This is going to be our essential question for today. Our goal is to understand why Marjane titled this chapter “Shabbat.”

6 Origins “Shabbat” is referenced in Judaism’s most important text, the Torah. The Torah is composed of the Five Books of Moses. Contains the 613 commandments (mitzvot) and the Ten Commandments. The word “Torah” means “to teach.” Depiction of the Five Books of Moses (Torah).

7 Shabbat According to the Torah, Shabbat commemorates the day that God rested from creating the world. The word Shabbat literally means “he rested.” Exodus 34:21 states: “Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest.” Shabbat is considered a day of peace and holiness.

8 Celebrations Shabbat is celebrated by observing the holy day as a day of rest from all work (begins Friday night). The rabbis outlined 39 categories of work that are forbidden on Shabbat. Some Jews observe these laws strictly, and others celebrate Shabbat in their own way: Not using a computer or watching TV Taking the time to relax and enjoy the day with family.

9 Celebrations Tradition to wear nice clothes on Shabbat
Wear white as a symbol of purity and holiness At home, candles are lit and blessed, and parents bless their children. Shabbat ends on Saturday evening at sundown with the havdalah (separation) ceremony, which marks the transition from the holy day to the rest of the week.

10 Gefilte fish Challah Cholent kugal

11 In your RAW book… Respond to the following question in paragraph form. Try to write at least ½ page.: The title of the chapter we read today is “Shabbat.” Think about what you have just learned about Shabbat, and the event that happened in this chapter. If Shabbat is meant to be a day of peace and holiness, why did Marjane titled this chapter the way she did?

12 Other Questions Why does Marjane's family decide to stay in Tehran, despite the constant threat of bombing? How does the bombing on her street affect Marjane? Have you ever come home to a major crisis or disaster like she did? How did it change you?

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