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Ecology Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology Williams

2 Prey What is prey? Prey- The organism that is hunted or eaten by the predator.

3 Predator The Predator is the hunter. The organism that eats the prey.

4 Energy Troph- energy Heterotroph- Example? Autotroph- Example?

5 Energy Heterotroph- an organism that must obtain energy from other organisms. Hetero- other Autotroph-an organism that obtains energy for itself. Auto- self

6 Alternative names All Autotrophs are producers. They produce or make their own food. What is the process plants use to make their own food?

7 Alternative names Photosynthesis, plants and other microorganisms use photosynthesis to create sugars for themselves.

8 Alternative names All heterotrophs are consumers They consume other things to gain energy.

9 Energy pyramid What do you see? What direction does energy flow?

10 Energy Pyramid Why does the world have more plant life than animal life? Think about energy

11 The movement of energy How much energy is lost from one level to the next?

12 The movement of energy The Ten Percent Rule
How much energy is lost from one level to the next? Scientists say that on average 90% of the available energy is used for life processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, and reproduction and transformed to heat energy before an organism is consumed.

13 The 10% rule

14 The 10% rule

15 Consumers There are levels of consumers:
Primary consumers (1) consume producers directly. Secondary consumers (2) directly consume primary consumers. Tertiary consumers (3) directly consumes the other consumers.

16 Energy Pyramids IMPORTANT!: In energy Pyramids Decomposers are not usually included. Why?

17 Food Chain

18 Food Web

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