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Gross margin analysis - rhizobium trials Samlaut 2008

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1 Gross margin analysis - rhizobium trials Samlaut 2008
Presented by Keo Kynal For Fiona Scott

2 Assumptions riel US$ Urea per kg 3,360 $0.82
Planting (person day) 12,750 $3.11 Weeding (person day) 12,667 $3.09 Maize harvest (60 kg bag) 3,000 $0.73 Harvesting (person day) 12,750 $3.11 Threshing (person day) 13,333 $3.25 Rhizobium cost (ha) $5.00

3 Seed prices riel/kg $/kg Maize 14,781 $3.61 Soybean 2,998 $0.73
Mungbean 3,125 $0.76 Peanut 4,733 $1.15

4 Grain prices riel/kg $/kg $/t Maize 418 0.10 101.83
Soybean 1, Mungbean 2, Peanut 2,

5 Peanut harvest and threshing costs (people per ha per day)
Yield Harvest Threshing Cost/ha ($) < >

6 Peanut input costs Operation Unit Unit No Value value of units riel $
First ploughing rai 40, , Second plough rai 25, , Seed kg 4, , Planting p/d 12, , 1st weeding p/d 12, , 2nd weeding p/d 12, , 3rd weeding p/d 12, , Harvest & threshing costs are not included here since they vary with yield

7 Soybean

8 Mungbean

9 Peanut

10 Issues Site 1 was damaged by pig and chicken – too close to house
Site 2 may have been high fertility (no nitrate test) – soybean does not respond to inoculation under these conditions

11 Conclusions Gross margins:
peanut ($1,500-2,000/ha)  mungbean ($ )  soybean ($ /ha)  Rhizobium inoculation increased peanut GM by $613/ha Rhizobium inoculation increased mungbean GM by $181/ha Soybean did not respond to inoculation (see issues) Small farmers have given up on mungbean because of high harvest and threshing costs and low yields

12 Thank you

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