Case Study #4 Parasitology.

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1 Case Study #4 Parasitology

2 History German shorthaired pointer, MN, 2 years, 52 lb
Active during hunting season; however, presented in late January, not during season Goes to dog park many times a week Current on vaccinations; previously healthy Presented for acute collapse at home, diarrhea over past week Eats things in yard and park May have lost a little weight in past month

3 Clinical Findings Dog presented unable to stand or walk, conscious but dull and unresponsive T = 98°F; P = 55; R = 20. Weak peripheral pulses and very light pink mucous membranes. Body condition score of 3/9 Blood drawn for in-house ISTAT Blood pressure 80/48 mmHg

4 Initial Findings and Treatment
Initiated PlasmaLyte-A at shock doses Abnormal ISTAT findings Glu: 60, BUN: 46, Creat: 2.3, Na+: 128, K+: 6.8, Na/K: 18.8 Presumptive diagnosis of Addison’s disease ACTH stimulation test performed and sent to reference lab Dexamethasone SP given at 0.5 mg/kg IV Dextrose 50% (diluted)—10 mL of 25% IV Fluids switched to 0.9% NaCl with 2.5% dextrose Dog’s mentation improved slightly to fluid therapy and dextrose but still unable to rise/stand

5 Further Information ACTH stimulation results
Pre: 3.0 (0.5–4 µg/dL) Post: 15 (8–20 µg/dL) These results are considered within normal limits and not diagnostic for hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s disease) What could be the other causes of this presentation—toxins, parasites, anaphylaxis??

6 Diagnostic Information
A fecal flotation was performed. No other diagnostics done at this time How do you perform a fecal flotation? With a diarrheic dog, what can you do if you do not have enough feces to perform a flotation? What is the doctor hoping to find on the fecal that may explain this dog’s presentation?

7 Answers The flotation method used will be determined by the standard in your practice This practice used a commercial flotation device A fecal loop was utilized and obtained only a small amount of liquid feces The feces was thoroughly mixed in the bottom of the device with a small amount of zinc sulfate The “strainer” was pushed down to the bottom of the device Additional zinc sulfate was added until a meniscus formed at the top and a cover slip was placed The flotation sat for 15 minutes before being read

8 Answers A direct smear can be performed when only a small amount of feces is available A small amount of feces was obtained on a wooden stick and mixed thoroughly with a couple of drops of saline on a microscope slide. A cover slip was placed on top. This was allowed to sit for 1 minute Both the fecal flotation and direct smear were scanned on 4× and evaluated on 10× under the microscope

9 Findings

10 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan
Only one Trichuris vulpis (whipworm) was seen on the direct smear and five on the flotation. Diagnosis: Trichuriasis and pseudohypoadrenocorticism (false Addison’s disease) The dog was diagnosed as having a heavy whipworm infestation Even though only a few ova were seen on the fecal tests, it is important to remember that the very small volume of feces used for the tests would make it difficult to detect a larger number of eggs Trichuris vulpis is the primary GI parasite infestation that can cause an Addisonian-like crisis

11 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan
Because the dog had not presented with vomiting, it was decided to give a dose of fenbendazole at 50 mg/kg and continue fluid therapy overnight All ISTAT results were within normal limits 24 hours after presentation. The dog’s mentation and ambulation returned to normal Discharge instructions were fenbendazole as follows: 50 mg/kg/d for 2 more days; then 50 mg/kg once a month for 3 months The dog improved significantly over the next week and had no further recurrences

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