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DSM Task XVI Experts’ Meeting 3

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1 DSM Task XVI Experts’ Meeting 3
Deventer, Holland

2 Meeting 3, Deventer 7-9.10.2007 National expert(s)
Subtask 2: National Implementation Activities National expert(s) The national expert of Finland with the overall responsibility of implementing Task XVI: Mr. Pertti Koski, Customer Service Manager Other experts and organisations participating in the work: Mr. Seppo Silvonen, Senior Expert 1 January 2019

3 Meeting 3, Deventer 7-9.10.2007 Goals/Expected results
Subtask 2: National Implementation Activities Goals/Expected results The expected results regarding participation in Task XVI, based on the nationally set objectives, may include some or all of the following (check, with remarks as appropriate): x enlargement of the energy services market x higher quality of energy services and implementation capacity x contribution to the implementation of the Energy Services Directive (ESD) x improved integration with the international energy services community x other (specify): 1 January 2019

4 Meeting 3, Deventer Subtask 2: National Implementation Activities Target group(s) The actors involved in the national market and linked to the NIA include the following (check and name as appropriate): x acting (and to-be) ESCOs: Are, YIT, ENESPA, Inesco, TAC, ESCO Partners, Sarlin Hydor ES-facilitators/project developers: names x end-users of energy in the sectors of: municipal, commercial, industrial x energy authorities: Ministry of Trade and Industry authorities/interest groups in the concerned sectors: financial and funding institutions: 1 January 2019

5 Meeting 3, Deventer 7-9.10.2007 Scope of activities
Subtask 2: National Implementation Activities Scope of activities The expected results are planned to be achieved through the following activities (check and add as appropriate): x general market information and development developing model projects developing projects/energy services for selected market segments and arranging follow-up of that designing, elaborating and testing of innovative energy services and financing models x capacity build-up: Training of market actors (project developers, ESCO’s, customers) x development of standards/templates, e.g. model contracts, procurement, rough analyses 1 January 2019

6 Meeting 3, Deventer 7-9.10.2007 Scope of activities
Subtask 2: National Implementation Activities (continued …) Scope of activities The expected results are planned to be achieved through the following activities (check and add as appropriate): x participation/contribution to the centre of excellence and other international activities founding of a professional interest group introduction of a Certification system for ESCO’s of for energy services x adoption of the manuals (to be produced in Task XVI) as translated versions in the national language(s) x adoption of other tools and models presented in Task XVI other (specify): 1 January 2019

7 Meeting 3, Deventer 7-9.10.2007 Description of the starting points
Subtask 2: National Implementation Activities Description of the starting points Brief description of the status of the energy services market in the country and of the specific national needs of support and development, including expectations concerning Task XVI: - few actors in the ES-market - contract volume growing slowly - financial support from the gvmnt available to ESCO- based investments and promotion - “customer education” needed - tools to support the contractual process of ES needed 1 January 2019

8 Meeting 3, Deventer Subtask 2: National Implementation Activities Motiva takes part in the Eurocontract project, which is linked to the national CUBENet-work wide Energy audit program Energy Efficiency Agreement (EEA) development for the years requirements for municipalities to increase their understanding about ESCO and EPC services Implementation of Energy Service Directive by the EEA of Energy Sector good culture of energy efficiency 1 January 2019

9 Motiva’s role in promoting ESCO–business in Finland
on the assignment of the MTI To act as an information link between ESCO’s, energy users, potential clients, energy auditors … To prepare information material, brochures, ESCO tools, and arrange information dissemination affairs and seminars and to be directly in contact with ESCO’s and possible ESCO clients. To follow the development of ESCO industry abroad and to participate in international co-operation. To identify possible obstacles to the growth of ESCO business. To disseminate information of good ESCO project examples 1 January 2019

10 EPC & ESCO business in Finland
Energy savings achieved in ESCO projects (reported in Motiva’s ESCO project register, mostly in industry, more than 40 projects) Heating, fuels, steam: about 250 GWh/a Electricity about 13 GWh/a ESCO’s in Motivas project register Are Oy Enespa Oy Inesco Oy YIT Kiinteistötekniikka Oy TAC Finland Foster Wheeler Oy Suomen Lämpöpumpputekniikka Oy (Sarlin Hydor) (ESCO Partners) Energy Utilities, Cooperation with their Industrial Clients (District Heating Company) Kuusankosken Aluelämmitys Oy (Energy Utility) Etelä-Savon Energia Oy 1 January 2019

11 Future tasks - Finland:
Energy services to be included in the EEA (Energy Efficiency Agreements) Guidelines for municipalities of the variety of ESCO service identifying potential ESCO projects in the building stock the tendering process (models and guides for municipalities) Increasing the business impacts ESCO procedure development: Energy efficiency guarantee also for renovation projects, bundling of buildings Electric energy efficiency guarantee should be included in ESCO contracts 1 January 2019

12 Ongoing Projects Two national ESCO subcontracting projects
lead by Motiva and financed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, started in Autumn 2006 and Spring 2007) CUBENet, Tekes: Life-Cycle Models for Indoor Environment and Building Services IEA Task XVI Eurocontract, EU: European Platform for the Promotion of Energy Performance Contracting 1 Supported by 1 January 2019

13 Project 1 ESCO service for municipalities
Subcontractors: 4 Finnish ESCO’s, which serve especially municipalities Target info dissemination (material: ESCO guide, Municipal ESCO report including tendering documents new pilot projects Target group: municipalities Started 2/2007, compelted 11/2007 Preliminary results: contacts or reports: 39 pilots: municipalities have been interested to start pilot projects, some tendering documents delivered 1 January 2019

14 Project 2 ESCO service for industry
Subcontractor: Rejlers Oy Targets to enhance markets … new clients, projects and ESCOs to increase awareness about ESCO services among industrial companies and to find and give solutions on the bottlenecks to prepare ground for new instructions and guides for industrial customers about starting and implementing ESCO projects Deliverables field survey report (comments from one ESCO and some plants still to be expected) new ESCO service actors still hesitating Industrial plants consider ESCO service and ESCO projects like other purchase acts (no balance sheet benefit anymore due to IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), high requirements for profitability draft scripts of guidelines for utilizing ESCO service completed, a proposal of new rules for government ESCO project support 1 January 2019

15 -opas JOHDANTO Tämä ESCO-opas on laadittu kuntien ja muun julkisen sektorin päätöksenteon apuvälineeksi energiatehokkuutta edistäviin hankkeisiin ja korjausrakentamishankkeisiin. Kunta voi tilata ESCO-palvelun kokonaistoimituksena, jonka sisältö, laajuus, palvelujakson kesto jne. määritetään tapauskohtaisesti ESCO-sopimuksessa. Tässä oppaassa kuvataan ESCO-palvelun moninaisuutta, joustavuutta sekä hankkeen yleistä kulkua. Oppaassa puhutaan ESCO-palvelusta, vaikka monissa tapauksissa hanke voi käynnistyä yhtä hyvin ESCO-urakkana. Opas on laadittu IEE Eurocontract-hankkeessa, joka liittyy kansalliseen CUBENet-hankkeeseen. Oppaan rahoitukseen ovat osallistuneet EU:n lisäksi Tekes, CUBENet-hankkeen yritykset ja organisaatiot sekä kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö. Opas on laadittu Motiva Oy:ssä ja sen laadintaan ovat osallistuneet Efeko Oy ja Kuntaliitto sekä CUBENet hankkeen tutkija- ja yritystahot. Opas on tarkoitettu esitysaineistoksi sekä tarkempaa tietoa antavaksi perustietolähteeksi kuntapäättäjille. Opasta on tarkoitus täsmentää ja täydentää tarvittavilta osin, kun tietoja ja työkaluja ESCO-palvelun markkinoimiseksi ja toteuttamiseksi kehitetään. Helsinki, Motiva Oy 1 January 2019

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