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1 9/22/15 To Do: Grab a glue stick & glue the DOI into a BLANK page in your notebook Number the sections of the Declaration of Independence excerpt like.

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Presentation on theme: "1 9/22/15 To Do: Grab a glue stick & glue the DOI into a BLANK page in your notebook Number the sections of the Declaration of Independence excerpt like."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 9/22/15 To Do: Grab a glue stick & glue the DOI into a BLANK page in your notebook Number the sections of the Declaration of Independence excerpt like this 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 Learning targets for the week:
I will be able to…. source and paraphrase the Declaration of Independence Evaluate to what extent the DOI an authentic reflection of Jefferson’s beliefs.

3 Explanatory Notes Critical Commentary
Title: Declaration of Independence Author: first draft Thomas Jefferson Date: 1776 Bias: What do we know about Jefferson's views and character? Plausibility: What about him and his character makes him more or less trustworthy? Was he the only author? Context Why was the Declaration of Independence written? What was going on at the time? Before even reading the DOI, consider: To what extent is the DOI an authentic reflection of Jefferson’s beliefs?

4 Underline and define all unknown words
1 2

5 1. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, Explanatory Notes Critical Commentary #1: Unfamiliar words/phrases Course of Human Events: in our lives Dissolve: undo a tie or bond Political bands: connection to a government body Paraphrase: sometimes in our lives, we need to break away from a government

6 2 3

7 2. and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them Explanatory Notes Critical Commentary #2: Unfamiliar words/phrases: Connections: Who spoke of natural law? Paraphrase: If we believe in the powers of nature, and in natural law (which gives us rights simply because we are human) IGNORE

8 3 4

9 3. a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Explanatory Notes Critical Commentary #3: Unfamiliar words/phrases Paraphrase: impel: to force

10 3 4

11 self-evident: obvious
Explanatory Notes Critical Commentary #4: Unfamiliar words/phrases Paraphrase: self-evident: obvious

12 5

13 #5: Explanatory Notes Critical Commentary Unfamiliar words/phrases

14 Declaration of Independence
Most remembered/famous for writing the Declaration of Independence Inspired by John Locke’s idea of “Natural Law” Natural Law: There are certain rights guaranteed to us simply because we are human. life, liberty and pursuit of happiness Jefferson’s original draft was very different than the final approved draft Jefferson wanted to get rid of slavery Called slavery a, “moral depravity” and “hideous blot”

15 Jefferson’s views on slavery & Native Americans
“Moral depravity…hideous blot” Jefferson said: “a cruel war against human nature itself, violating it’s most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons …carrying them to slavery…” Greatest threat to the survival of the new American nation Wants to slowly free slaves and send them back to Africa Did not believe in a bi-racial United States HOWEVER! He owned 600 slaves!! Only freed 7 of them… slow indeed “This unfortunate race, whom we had been taking so much pains to save and to civilize...” Did not see them as equals to the White men Believed that if American Indians adopted European style way of life (agriculture & living) then they would quickly progress from “savagery” to “civilization”  make them equal to White men Also by adopting European lifestyle, it could free up hunting land for white settlers to move in & farm Proposed the “Indian Removal Plan” Plan options: 1) assimilate to European culture, 2) Move west (by force) 3) Extermination

16 Duality of Thomas Jefferson

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