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Traditional” AP Lab 5 Cellular Respiration.

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Presentation on theme: "Traditional” AP Lab 5 Cellular Respiration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traditional” AP Lab 5 Cellular Respiration

2 Hypothesis Temperature effects how an organism carries out cellular respiration. The rate of cellular respiration will change according to the temperature. The warm temperature peas will show a higher rate of cellular respiration than the peas in cold temperature. The warmer peas will use more oxygen. Thus, there will be a greater change volume of water in the pipette of the warm peas respirometer over a given time than the cold peas respirometer. When you read this, you should be able to find the variable which is tested and a statement of what is believed to happen (should relate to what you are trying to find out) and a description of what is being measured that represents what you are studying (like the water level in pipette is changing)

3 Making the (3) respirometers for a specific water temperature…

4 The Respirometers Experiment Control

5 Equilibrating the Respirometers
Can you read the Pipette?

6 Respirometers must equilibrate in the water bath
Respirometers must equilibrate in the water bath. Experiment begins after equilibration (submerged respirometers)

7 Experimental Design and Materials
Beads Alone Respirometer – Control: Should see no changes. Why? *Ensures that the variable of the experiment is true cause of the change Germinating Peas Respirometer- Experimental setup – One that contains the variable KOH – remove Carbon dioxide


9 The Data: Does it support the hypothesis?

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