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Presentation on theme: "Jupiter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jupiter

2 Jupiter Jupiter is the faster spinning planet in our solar system rotating on an average once in 10 hour… since Jupiter is a gas planet, it does not rotate as a solid sphere. Jupiter’s equator rotate a bit faster than its polar regions at a speed of 28,273 miles/hour (about 43,000 km/hour

3 Jupiter Jupiter has 67 moons. Five main moon names are… Ganymede, Io, Callisto Europa ,and Moon.

4 Jupiter Do you know how big Jupiter is? It turns out that Jupiter is 142,800 diameters {km} big.

5 Jupiter The great red spot is the most noticeable feature of Jupiter’s surface. A storm about 12,400 miles. (20,000 kilometers) long and 7,500 miles (12,000km) wide about two or three times larger than Earth.

6 Jupiter Jupiter has so many moons because he has a very strong gravitational pull.

7 Jupiter Yes, Jupiter has rings.The rings around Jupiter had never been seen until Voyager 1 arrived in 1979.

8 Jupiter Current distance from Jupiter to the sun is million miles (814.3 million km, 5.44 au)

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