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Southern Gothic Tradition

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1 Southern Gothic Tradition

2 Traditional Gothic

3 What Does “Gothic” Mean?

4 Setting A general mood of decay
Settings that are grandiose, if gloomy or bleak Dark, mysterious castles chock full of secret passageways (or rooms!) and supernatural phenomena are common elements used to thrill the reader.

5 Characters Cast of off-kilter characters Broken bodies, minds or souls
Used to question established pattern’s morality and ethical justification The “Innocent” is a common character, who may or may not be “broken,” but who often acts as a redeemer for others Freakishness In most Gothic stories, there is an important character who is set apart from the world by in a negative way by a disability or an odd, and often negative way of seeing the world. Outsiders Gothic novels are filled with characters who are set a part from the established cultural pattern, but who end up being heroes because their difference allows them to see new ways of doing things that ultimately help to bring people out of the “dark.”

6 Themes/Characteristics
Imprisonment This is often both literal and figurative. Many Gothic tales include an incident where a character is sent to jail or locked up. There are also Gothic characters that live in fate's prison. Loves that are destructively passionate Violence Racial, social and class difference often create underlying tension in Gothic novels that threatens, and usually does, erupt in violent ways Action that is dramatic and generally violent or otherwise disturbing

7 Southern Gothic Tradition

8 Setting Geographically limited Emphasis of history
Setting and atmosphere evoke vivid emotional response Setting symbolically symbols the end of an era Utilized the decaying South Analogy between medieval settings and southern settings Came about after the Civil War Struggle between Old and New South Southern Gothic settings feel “Southern” Old, run-down towns; porches with rocking chairs, etc.

9 characters Victim is helpless against his torturer
Torturer has immense power, sometimes supernatural Victim is often trapped by impenetrable walls—physical or psychological Issues of race, alienation, and otherness are central to Southern Gothic Freakishness: character is set aside by disability or viewpoint of the world Uses a spin on gothic archetypes Archetypes become American Southerners Monster becomes an uneducated drunk Damsel in distress becomes a reclusive spinster Heroic knight becomes white-suit lawyer Use of the grotesque Character’s negative qualities allows author to examine unsavory aspects of society; creates sympathy (bigots, self-centered, egotistical) Something in the town, house, or farm is bizarre and often falling apart

10 Themes/Characteristics
Atmosphere of mystery, darkness, oppressiveness Melodramatically violent and psychologically abnormal Tragedy and repressed behaviors come to the forefront Explore the psychology of human existence Exploration of subconscious through dreams Good versus evil in characters Personal and community experience Broken bodies and broken souls Problems created by social norm Questions establishment’s ethics and justification Morality is in question; what is the innocent’s place in the world? Often asked to be the redeemer Purity of heart rarely overpowers desperation Violence often the result of racial or social tension Walls heightens the sense of hopeless isolation; the classic gothic image is a person trapped in a castle tower Atmosphere symbolizes death closing in

11 Themes/Characteristics
relationships between races and genders Treatment of blacks and women Love that is not returned the corruption and decay of the south Dislocation and decadence of the South Distorted religious views Clash between those with power and those without Isolation of individual

12 Explores Humans’ powerlessness in an indifferent universe
Moral decay of community Burden of history Horrors of human’s treatment of each other

13 Main Writers William faulkner Truman capote Harper lee
Carson mcCullers Flannery o’connor Eudora Welty Cormac McCarthy Tennessee Williams William Gay

14 Bible Way








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