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Service Oriented Architecture + SOAP

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1 Service Oriented Architecture + SOAP
-Robin John

2 Service Oriented Architecture:
Group of services that communicate(data passing or 2 or more services coordinating some activity) with each other to build applications out of software services. Services as basic constructs.(Service-oriented paradigm to programming utilizes services as the basic constructs to support development of rapid low-cost and easy composition of distr applications.)‏ 'Service-oriented' approach to programming(based on idea of composing applications by discovering and invoking network avlbl services rather than building new applications or by invoking avlbl applications to accomplish some task.)‏

3 SOA tree:

4 Service Oriented Architecture:
Logical way of designing SW system to provide services to either end-user app or to other services distributed in a network via published and discoverable interfaces.

5 Principles of SOA: Guiding principles:
Reuse, interoperability, modularity Standards compliance Services identification and categorization, provision and delivery & monitoring and tracking Specific architectural principles: Service Encapsulation Service loose coupling Service contract Service abstraction Service Reusability Service composability Service Autonomy Service Optimization Service Discoverability

6 Challenges of SOA: Managing services meta-data
Lack of testing in SOA space Appropriate levels of security

7 SOA to conclude: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural approach (or style) for constructing complex software-intensive systems from a set of universally interconnected and interdependent building blocks, called services.

8 SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol:
a light-weight messaging protocol for information exchange in a decentralized, distributed environment built on XML. consists of 3 parts: envelope:(message format)‏ encoding rules: representation convention:

9 4 main areas covered: 4 main areas covered: Message format:
Description: Set of rules: Set of conventions: Main functionalities: Send & receive HTTP transport protocol pkts Process XML messages Heavy weight protocol example: ORPC

10 SOAP example:

11 Applications: RPC: Remote Procedure Call
EDI: Electronic Document Interchange; basis of automated business transactions.

12 SOAP faults:: Used to carry error and/or status information within a SOAP message. 4 elements: Fault code: Fault string: Fault actor: Fault details

13 SOAP Adv and Disadv: Adv: Platform, language independent
Use standardised HTTP Runs over HTTP, and hence avoids firewall filtering Handles decentralized and distributed environment Disadv: Security Statelessness Serialization by value, not by reference.

14 SOAP: Future THANKYOU !


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