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Kingdom Animalia eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic

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2 Kingdom Animalia eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic
feed by ingestion

3 Animal Evolution

4 Non-molting vs. Molting
Embryonic Mouth Formation Body Symmetry Organs vs. non-organs or Tissues vs. non-tissues


6 Kingdom Animalia Most animals have: Sense organs Nervous system
Muscles Digestive tract Sex organs

7 Brief History of the World
Hadean Eon—4.63.8 BYA -Earth & Moon formed as solid bodies 2) Archean Eon—3.82.6 BYA -Origin of Life -Origin of Prokaryotes -Fermentation -Photosynthesis

8 Brief History of the World
3) Proterozoic Eon—2.60.57 BYA -Continental Drift begins -O2 Revolution -Krebs Cycle -Origin of Eukaryotes -Ediacaran Period—first multicellular animals -Cryogenian period –snowball earth 720—635 MYA

9 Precambrian (Ediacaran) Fossils 635-541 MYA
All soft bodied—poor fossil record

10 Brief History of the World
4) Phanerozoic Eon—0.54Today Cambrian Explosion -First skeletal remains -Origin of most major multicellular phyla

~ 35 animal phyla originated in ~ 50 million yrs

12 Early Cambrian Fossils

13 New Cambrian fossil – Nature Feb.24, 2011

14 Two Major Questions Why and when did multicellularity arise?
What caused the Cambrian Explosion?

15 Multicellularity (>700 MYA)
Advantages of Large size Cell specialization (Division of labor)

16 Humans Birds Dinosaurs Amphibians Fish Cephalopods Echinoderms Arthropods Jellyfish Science Nov. 6, 2015 Sponges

17 Multicellularity (>700 MYA)
Multicellularity originated When unicellular organisms stayed together after cell division Originated many times

18 What Caused the Cambrian Explosion?

19 What Caused the Cambrian Explosion?
1)There was a real “explosion.” (i.e. In a few million years all major phyla evolved from protozoans) Why?

20 What Caused the Cambrian Explosion?
Major forms were already present. They were small and without skeletons. Did not fossilize well. Then at the Cambrian they increased in size and developed skeletons. --DNA evidence supports this view

21 What Caused the Cambrian Explosion?
What could have prompted increase in animal diversity, increased size and skeletal development? Three explanations: Environmental Developmental Ecological

22 What Caused the Cambrian Explosion?
Environment: 1) Sea chemistry change. Shift towards high calcium carbonate and high pH would encourage biomineralization calcium based skeletons. Nature 6/4/2017 2) Oxygen revolution (Large size and active metabolism requires large amounts of oxygen to generate large amounts of ATP via the mitochondria.)

23 Oxygen Revolution

24 What Caused the Cambrian Explosion?
Development: Genetic modifications might have caused major change in development into embryo thus to adults. Horizontal gene transfer of genes coding for biomineralization occurred from bacteria to sponges occurred allowed skeletal development.

25 What Caused the Cambrian Explosion?
Ecological: Arms race between predator and prey led to diversity of attack (e.g. “teeth” and rapid swimming ) and defense strategies like burrowing and exoskeletons = co-evolution

26 Let’s Look at the Burgess Shale Great Cambrian Fossils

27 The Burgess Shale Great Cambrian Fossils

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