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Synonymous Most of the town residents are voting against the transportation proposal because they see public transit and crime as synonymous. Because.

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Presentation on theme: "Synonymous Most of the town residents are voting against the transportation proposal because they see public transit and crime as synonymous. Because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synonymous Most of the town residents are voting against the transportation proposal because they see public transit and crime as synonymous. Because the athlete has led his team to four national championships, his name has become synonymous with the phrase "most valuable player."

2 Synonymous Meaning the same or nearly the same

3 Insurmountable Even though the task of cleaning out the garage seemed insurmountable, Sue had the place spotless and ready for her new car by Monday. It was a miracle that the castaways survived under such insurmountable odds.

4 Insurmountable Not capable of being overcome

5 Anticlimactic Coming after the climax, especially of a dramatic or narrative plot

6 Sanctioned Because of the school’s behavioral problems, the principal is unlikely to sanction a school dance this year. The government will never sanction drinking and driving because it is unsafe.

7 Sanctioned Established by authority

8 Demeanor Maybe it was his arrogant demeanor, or the way he took everything so serious. I was extremely nervous for my first lesson; but, Anne's calm demeanor immediately put me at ease.

9 Demeanor The way a person behaves toward other people

10 Decrepit Because the decrepit building is such an eyesore, it is being demolished in a week. The owners have plans to renovate their decrepit hotel.

11 Decrepit Worn and broken down by hard use.

12 Affectation While I never try to impress my peers at school, my twin sister will take on an affectation on a regular basis to attract attention. The poor man’s affectation of wealth did not fool any of the elite at the party.

13 Affectation A deliberate pretense or exaggerated display

14 Adversary The villain is the superhero’s adversary.
Because the dog sees me as an adversary, he is always chasing me.

15 Adversary Someone who offers opposition

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