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Flu Pandemic and Labour

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1 Flu Pandemic and Labour
Canada after the War Flu Pandemic and Labour







8 Canada After the War Most Canadian soldiers returned in home front Canadians were still operating in Total War What did the soldiers get for returning…nothing No pensions, no special medical services for the injured, and above all, NO JOBS



11 Canada After the War Continued discrimination towards Blacks, aboriginals and women Aboriginals gained the right to vote in 1917, but lost it after 1919 Aboriginal soldiers were denied any of the eventual benefits given out by the government

12 The Flue Pandemic Spanish Flu- 21 million people died (more than during the war) Returning soldiers brought it to N. America- 50,000 Canadians died Some aboriginal communities were completing wiped out Change and Continuity

13 Why were many ordinary Canadians dissatisfied after the war and what was their response?
Canada after The War

14 Uneasy Adjustment During the war there were many jobs but due to Total War, wages were held very low Inflation after the war made life difficult- their wages no longer covered their needs (rent and food) Workers and everyday Canadians began to demand more from their employers and their country (uhoh…)

15 Remember 1917 Russian Revolution- Bolshevik (Communist political party in Russia) Workers and unemployed people worldwide were very drawn to Communism: the workers should own companies and businesses Wealth should be evenly distributed The government should provide social services to its people Sounds good eh?




19 Rise of Organized Labour
Strikes began to occur all across Canada (workers demanding from their employers and the government better wages, better working conditions) East Coast- British Empire Steel Company strike (lasted 4 years) Company reduced wages, workers starting striking, so the company asked the RCMP and the military to come and deal with this….got violent

20 One Big Union and the Strike
Western Canadian strikes as well- OBU (One Bug Union)- represent all Canadian workers Goal: help workers get more control of their jobs through peaceful means (general strikes) 1919 Winnipeg General Strike

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