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Classical Ciphers – 2 CSCI284 Spring 2004 GWU

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1 Classical Ciphers – 2 CSCI284 Spring 2004 GWU
Affine and Substitution ciphers Number Theory: gcd, Euler phi function, Euclidean and extended Euclidean algorithms Classical Ciphers – 2 CSCI284 Spring 2004 GWU

2 Questions on HW? Project?
Second module requires other input: m, the modulus the message is 50 symbols modulo m, each a 10-bit symbol Project proposals due: March 1 Exceptions due: Feb 9 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

3 Affine Cipher – Example 1
a and b define the key What are the requirements for this to be a valid encryption function? What’s wrong with this? y = ax + b mod m b 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

4 Affine Cipher – Example 2
y = ax + b mod m What’s wrong with this? b 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

5 Affine Cipher – Example 3
What’s wrong with this? b 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

6 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Try m=6, b=1, check all a y = ax + b = ax + 1 mod 6 a=1 y = x + 1 mod 6; x = y-1 mod 6 a=2 y = 2x +1 mod 6; x = 2-1(y-1) mod 6 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

7 Affine cipher - definition
e(x) = ax + b mod m d(y) = a-1(y-b) mod m Is this possible for all a? Try on example: m = 6. Find a-1 for all a  Zm 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

8 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
GCD: definition The gcd (Greatest Common Divisor) of two integers m and n denoted gcd(m, n) is the largest non-negative integer that divides both m and n. 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

9 Properties of integers - I
Fact 1: gcd(m,n) = 1   integers a, b, such that am + bn = 1 Proof: Need to show: Suppose gcd(m,n) = 1 a, b, such that am + bn = 1 2. Suppose  a, b, such that am + bn = 1gcd(m,n) = 1 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

10 Proof of: gcd(m,n) = 1  a, b, such that am + bn = 1
Suppose gcd(m,n) = 1 Let k be any integer of the form Am + Bn for integers A and B Let g be the smallest non-negative integer of this form (want to show g = 1) Then k = Cg + r, 0  r < g 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

11 Proof contd.: gcd(m,n) = 1  a, b, such that am + bn = 1
k = Cg + r, 0  r < g where r = Am + Bn – Cg = Am + Bn – C(A’m +B’n) = A’’m + B’’n = 0 (as g was smallest such non-negative integer and r < g) 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

12 Proof contd.: gcd(m,n) = 1  a, b, such that am + bn = 1
k = Cg + r; r = 0 Hence g divides all integers of the form Am + Bn, in particular, g divides m (B = 0) and n (A = 0) g = 1 (as gcd(m,n) = 1)  a, b, such that am + bn = 1 (as g is of form Am + Bn) 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

13 Proof of:  a, b, such that am + bn = 1  gcd(m,n) = 1
2. Suppose  a, b, such that am + bn = 1 gcd(m,n) divides m and n Hence it divides am + bn for all a, b Hence it divides 1 gcd(m,n) = 1 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

14 Theorem: multiplicative inverse in a commutative ring
The multiplicative inverse of a mod m  Zm exists if and only if gcd(a, m) = 1. It is denoted a-1 Proof: Suppose gcd(a,m) = 1  integers x, y, such that ax + my = 1 ax  1 (mod m) x = a-1 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

15 Theorem: multiplicative inverse in a commutative ring – contd.
The multiplicative inverse of a mod m  Zm exists if and only if gcd(a, m) = 1. It is denoted a-1 Proof: Suppose a-1 exists, call it X aX  1 (mod m) aX + Ym = 1 for some integer Y gcd(a, m) = 1 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

16 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Affine Cipher P = C = Zm K = {(a, b)  Zm X Zm gcd(a, m) =1} eK(x) = (ax+b) mod m dK(y) = a-1(y-b) mod m 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

17 Affine cipher examples
Encrypt firstletstrythekasiskitest Using key: 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

18 Cryptanalysis of the Affine Cipher

19 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Ciphertext frequency A27 O21 T20 Q18 J13 B13 E12 V11 N10 M9 H7 X6 I6 R5 U5 Y5 D4 G4 S4 C3 W3 Z2 F2 P0 K0 L0 English language frequency per 1000 e127 t91 a82 o75 i70 n67 s63 h61 r60 d43 l40 c28 u28 m24 w23 f22 g20 y20 p19 b15 v10 k8 j2 q1 x1 z1 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

20 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Complexity of attacks Brute Force attack for alphabet of size n How difficult is it to break this? How many possible keys? m2? m? 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

21 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Examples If m = p, p – 1 invertible elements If m = pq, 1, 2, 3, …p, ..2p, ..3p, …qp  q numbers divisible by p 1, 2, 3, …q, ..2q, ..3q, …pq  p numbers divisible by q pq only number counted twice. No other numbers. pq – p – q + 1 = (p-1)(q-1) invertible elements What if m =  i=1r piei 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

22 Need induction How do we show that 1+2+3 ….+n = (n+1)n/2
a+ar+ar2+ar3 … +arn = a(rn+1-1)/r-1 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

23 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Euler phi function Number of invertible elements of Zm for m =  i=1r piei is Euler “phi” or “totient” function: (m) =  i=1r piei -1(pi -1) Examples: (180), (24) 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

24 Theorem: number of invertible elements in a commutative ring
Proof by induction over r First we show it is true for r=1 i.e. if m = pe Exactly one pth of the numbers are divisible by p (pe) = pe – pe-1 = pe-1(p-1) 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

25 Theorem: number of invertible elements in a commutative ring
Now, assume true for r=k, show true for r=k+1 i.e. add one more new prime raised to any power ( i=1k piei ) =  i=1k piei -1(pi -1)  ( i=1k+1 piei ) = ? Note: we also know (pe) = pe-1(p-1) i.e. what is (xy) when (x) and (y) are known, and x and y are relatively prime 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

26 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
ax + b for 0  a < y 1  b  x x x x + 1 2x + 1 (y-1)x yx Rel prime to x iff b rel. prime to x Rel. prime to y iff ? Need to also write as Ay + B y 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

27 Chinese Remainder Theorem
There is exactly one number modulo xy which is bmodx and Bmody if x and y are relatively prime. Proof: Suppose not. Then: ax + b = Ay + B cx + b = Cy + B (a-c)x = (A-C)y y | (a-c)x  y | (a-c) because x and y rel. prime a = my + c first number = mxy + cx + b = second number modulo xy 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

28 Now look at ring Zm when m = xy
Size of ring is xy. See numbers mod x: x of them Numbers mod y: y of them Thus, a number mod m is represented uniquely by the pair: (a, b) (its remainder modx, and remainder mod y) A number is rel. prime to both x and y iff a and b are rel. prime to x and y respectively There are (x)  (y) numbers rel. prime to xy 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

29 Back to Euler ( i=1k piei ) =  i=1k piei -1(pi -1)
Note: we also know (pe) = pe-1(p-1) 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

30 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Problems from text 1.11: An involutory key is defined as the key for which the encryption function is identical to the decryption function. Suppose that K = (a, b) is a key in an Affine Cipher over Zn Prove that K is an involutory key if and only if a-1 mod n = a and b(a+1)  0 (mod n) Determine all the involutory keys in the affine cipher over Z15 Suppose that n = pq, where p and q are distinct odd primes. Prove that the number of involutory keys in the Affine Cipher over Zn is n+p+q+1 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

31 How do we generate an encryption key for an affine cipher?
1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

32 Euclidean Algorithm considered first non-trivial algorithm
gcd(m, n) /* m > n */ (a, b) := (m, n) /* Initialize */ while (b0) (a, b) := (b, a – b*q) /*Where q = a/b */ return(a) Works because: gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a – b*a/b) gcd(a, b) = b if b|a 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

33 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Try gcd(17, 101) gcd(57, 93) 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

34 Proof that Euclidean algorithm works
For ith step, (a, b)i say total k steps (a, b)0 = (m, n) (a, b)k-1 = (b, b) Prove that: gcd(m, n) = gcd(a, b)i Prove that it stops Hence: 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

35 Extended Euclidean algorithm
Find s, t such that gcd(m, n) = sm +tn Let gcd(a, b)i = siai + tibi Last but one step: bk-1|ak-1 gcd(a, b)k-1 = bk-1  sk-1=0; tk-1=1 2. In general: If gcd(a, b)i = siai + tibi What is: si-1 ti-1? 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

36 Extended Euclidean algorithm
bk-1 = gcd(a, b)i = gcd(a, b)i-1 = siai + tibi = sibi-1 + ti(ai-1 – bi-1*qi-1) = tiai-1 + (si – ti*qi-1) bi-1 So, si-1 = ti and ti-1 = si – ti*qi-1 Go back up the euclidean algorithm: (s, t) := (0, 1) /* Initialize */ while (b0) (s, t) := (t, s-t*q) return((s,t)) 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

37 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Examples gcd(17, 101) gcd(57, 93) What good? Write algorithm for multiplicative inverse of x mod m 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

38 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Solve congruences What is x? 17x  3 mod 101 5x  2 mod 7 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

39 Euclidean Algorithm: References
See Text, section 5.2.1 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

40 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Substitution Cipher Each letter goes to another Key is the lookup table, consists of 2n elements for alphabet size n Statistical attacks Brute force attack requires: 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

41 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers
Problem A particular letter goes to a fixed other letter. Monoalphabetic cipher Need polyalphabetic ciphers 1/1/2019 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/Classical Ciphers

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