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City of DeKalb, Illinois
Rating Update July 24, 2017
Moody’s Investor Rating Surveillance Rating
Moody’s downgraded the City’s previous “Aa3” rating to “A1” This is a significant drop because it puts takes the City from the Aa category to the single A category The rating downgrade is due to higher pension liability based on Moody’s restatement, and dependence on revenues from the State of Illinois Moody’s will continue to monitor the City The following conditions could make the rating increase: Expansion and diversification of the tax base Moderation of the City's unfunded pension liability The following conditions could make the rating decrease: Deterioration in the tax base Material declines in the City’s reserves and liquidity Increase in the City's unfunded pension liability Moody’s was complementary regarding Financial Operations and Reserves: “Solid Reserves and Improving Financial Position”
City of DeKalb Rating History
Rating Categories and Definitions
Grade Moody's Standard & Poor's Description Aaa AAA Extremely strong capacity ot meet financial obligations Aa1 AA+ Aa2 AA Very strong capacity to meet obligations Investment Aa3 AA- A1 City of DeKalb A+ A2 A Strong capacity but susceptible to adversity A3 A- Baa1 BBB+ Baa2 BBB Adequate financial capacity but adverse conditions will Baa3 State of Illinois BBB- lead to weakness Ba1 City of Chicago BB+ Ba2 BB Non-Investment Grade Speculative Non-Investment Ba3 BB- B1 B+ B2 B Highly Speculative B3 B- Caa CCC+ Ca CCC Extremely speculative C CCC-
Calculation of Moody’s ANPL
Adjusted Net Pension Liability (ANPL) = Adjusted Liabilities (AAL) - Plan Assets (AVA) AAL Adjustment Fire Police IMRF Total AAL (000s) 62,792 60,898 54,653 178,343 Assumed investment rate of return 7.46% Citibank Pension Liability Index (as of valuation date) 4.34% AAL Projected Forward 13 years at 7.5% (000s) 159,997 155,171 139,259 454,428 Discounted at Citibank Pension (000s) 92,098 89,320 80,161 261,580 Liability Rate Above Less: Actuarial Value of Plan Assets (000s) 23,471 28,699 44,692 96,862 ANPL (000s) 68,627 60,621 35,469 164,718 Operating Fund Revenues (000s) 33,544 ANPL/GF Revenues 4.91
Moody’s Focus on Pension Liability
Moody’s puts greater focus on annual net pension liabilities (ANPL) which they calculate using their own methodology The City changed from the Project Unit Cost (PUC) methodology to the more convervative Age Entry Normal method on the actuarial calculation, which is viewed positively by Moody’s however it increases the pension liability In addition, the City uses a 7.46% discount rate on future cashflows resulting in an AAL of $178,343 (000) versus Moody’s who uses a 4.34% discount rate resulting in a $261,580(000) AAL Moody’s looks at this liability divided by annual general fund revenues to come up with a ratio The City’s ratios of general fund revenues to ANPL is 4.9 and they state that the median for Aa rated issuers is lower (between 1 and 2)
S&P Rating Estimator Overall Estimate
Notice and Disclaimer William Blair & Company 222 West Adams
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