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Chapter 14 Perfectly Competitive Markets

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1 Chapter 14 Perfectly Competitive Markets

2 What is a Price-Taking Firm?
price-tak·er noun: price-taker; plural noun: price-takers a company that must accept the prevailing prices in the market of its products, its own transactions being unable to affect the market price. All economic participants are considered to be price-takers in a market of perfect competition, or one in which all companies sell an identical product, there are no barriers to entry or exit, every company has a relatively small market share, and all buyers have full information of the market.

3 What Does it Mean? Typical Demand Curve Downward Sloping
Inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded

4 But this is not the Demand Curve for a PT Firm
A price taker is a person or company that has no control to dictate prices for a good or service. In the trading world, a price taker is a trader who does not affect the price of the stock if he or she buys or sells shares. Firms in perfect competition are price takers; All businesses have to accept the price that is set by the market; Firms are not able to set their own price.

5 Market Demand Curve is Downward Sloping
in a market of perfect competition, or one in which all companies sell an identical product

6 For PT Firm – Demand Curve is Horizontal
Price takers accept the ruling market price and sell each unit at the same price. ... For PT Firm – Demand Curve is Horizontal

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