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Priorities Youth Guarantee Supplementary Pensions Rights Directive

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2 Priorities Youth Guarantee Supplementary Pensions Rights Directive
Social Investment Package European Aid to the Most Deprived Semester Health and Safety/Workers Rights Equality

3 Youth Guarantee Part of the Youth Employment Package, which was published on 5 December 2012 Will contribute to three Europe 2020 targets: increasing the employment rate, early school leaving, poverty and social exclusion Young people under the age of 25 years receive a good-quality offer of employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship within a period of 4 months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education Formally adopted 22nd April Implementation as soon as possible

4 Pensions Directive Original proposal dates from 2005
Acquisition of rights Preservation and revaluation Information to scheme members Good progress being made on negotiating content Major issues in relation to the legal basis for the measure

5 Social Investment Package
Published by the Commission in February Framework for policy reforms to enhance social protection, invest in people’s skills and capabilities, and support people as required throughout their lives Major Conference on Implementation Leuven 2/3 May At present being negotiated in Council Working Group Aim is Council conclusions June EPSCO

6 European Aid to the Most Deprived
Agriculture scheme expiring end 2013 Commission proposal for a replacement October 2012 Wider in scope – not just food €2.5 billion for the period 2014 – 2020 Being considered by EP and Council WG Aim is to get agreement on the proposal

7 Semester Ensure that the CSR process runs smoothly through the various committees involved EMCO/SPC/EPC Emphasise the social aspects of the process EPSCO Minister attending ECOFIN to outline views of EPSCO Ministers Separate to Semester process, Von Rompuy to report to Council on social aspects of EMU

8 Health and Safety/Workers Rights
Posting Directive Protection of Mobile Workers from Discrimination Risks of exposure to physical agents Directive on hazardous chemicals

9 Equality Anti-discrimination in provision of goods and services
Gender Equality (Women on Company Boards) Women’s Economic Engagement and Europe 2020 Women as Decision Makers in the Media

10 Thank you for your attention

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