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Resource Allocation Workshop (RAW) II Private Sector Brief Out

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1 Resource Allocation Workshop (RAW) II Private Sector Brief Out
November 4-5, 2013 N. Little Rock, Arkansas

2 Participants Core Company Participants at RAW II: Ameren (Utility)
C Spire Wireless (Communications) G & H International (Consulting) Monsanto (Chemical) Sears Holding Corporation (Retail) Sprint (Communications) Walgreens (Retail) Wal mart (Retail)

3 Topics of Discussion OVERVIEW - Levels of Private Sector Exercise Participation: Information Sharing/Common Operating Picture Sending and receiving of SA and participation with a v-BEOC Resource Management and Integration with the Mutual Aid Support System (MASS) Input of company specific, geo-coded assets and capabilities into the database Full Exercise with Company-Specific Play An internal company exercise run parallel to Capstone with self-developed, scenario-driven injects (representative in a regional “white cell”)

4 Topics of Discussion cont’d
Information sharing: Understanding expectations of a COP (from both a state and regional perspective for private sector information sharing) Information flow between the public and private sector - ways to accomplish the sharing during events and during steady-state Clarifying use of WEB EOC boards and the v-BEOC application during the exercise “Feeding” into the Arc GIS system – considerations for what can be shared

5 Topics of Discussion cont’d
Mission Ready Packages: The government definition for MRPs and applicability to the “capabilities and assets” of the private sector Demo MASS System Private sector defining MRP baseline assets/capabilities meeting their requirements

6 Topics of Discussion cont’d
Full Exercise Private Sector Play: Self-developed, scenario-driven company injects for an internal exercise operating parallel to Capstone 14 Commitment of a person to the regional Master Control Cell (Springfield, IL) driving company play Assistance with developing injects

7 Additional Clarification/Information
Private Sector integration into Capstone 14 moving forward: Conference calls to discuss issues evolving from exercise planning Demo of v-BEOC application and capabilities Private Sector Workshop – March 6-7, 2014 – Location TBD, Illinois

8 Additional Comments Looking Ahead
Strategies for moving forward after the Capstone 14 exercise Keeping the collaborative efforts and momentum flowing!

9 Questions?

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